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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Rurik

    Help With Re-yeasting Pitching Rates.

    I repitch with muri(?) 514. Rack, sprinkle yeast in top, leave for half an hour and then bottle. Rurik
  2. Rurik

    Slow Ferment

    I always aerate my wort when using liquid yeast. Do I need to aerate the wort before pitching dry yeast? No, there is no need to aerate the wort but it does not harm the yeast either. During its aerobic production, dry yeast accumulates sufficient amounts of unsaturated fatty acids and sterols...
  3. Rurik

    Slow Ferment

    It is not an airation problem as dried yeast does not require it. I am out at the moment but will find the info about it when I get home if you want. Rurik
  4. Rurik

    Apartment Brewing

    Having lived in a two bedroom unit with 5 people and brewed, planning on doing so again. I would buy a brewmeister. Ease and compactedness are a winner. Pack your brewing equipment in it and no chill. I have a keg king fridge in my lounge/dinning room used to serve and ferment in. Hope that...
  5. Rurik

    Liquid Yeast

    It should be fine. Smack the pack, if it swells up you are good to go. I have had this happen to me before and know plenty of people who buy yeast mail order and it survives. Rurik
  6. Rurik

    Camping With Kegs

    Prime, condition, Load into back of car, hook up to chiller box and drink :icon_cheers:
  7. Rurik

    Going To Fiji

    From Memory Fiji Bitter - Light Australian larger not to dissimilar to VB. Fiji Gold - As above but with a flavor addition of POR Fiji Export (only found in cans) - As above but with an aroma addition of POR. I heard of Vonu but it was only starting up when I was there. Buy your local sprits...
  8. Rurik

    English Ipa

    I dont think the coopers IPA needs any thing as it is chocked full of Sterian Goldings. If you want to do that hopping start with something with no finishing hops like draft or coopers bitter.
  9. Rurik

    Citra Summer Ale

    :icon_offtopic: Hear is a thought. The BJCP is not the be all and end all of beer styles. It is an interpriation of how a group of people see the beer world and that is it. For an example of this look at 11a Mild then go and drink Sarah Huges Mild.
  10. Rurik

    Speidels Braumeister. Impressive Yes. Expensive Yes.

    I think it would knock out less, the brewmister knocks out a true 50l if you use it properly. I think with a cut down keg you would be lucky to get 40l at knock out. Rurik
  11. Rurik

    Which Bittering Hop For An English Pale Ale

    I rate Pilgrim. It reminds me a lot of Challenger but with a higher AA%.
  12. Rurik

    Lady Brewers

    Umm yes and no all at the same time. Talking in huge genaralities (meaning in this case the exception proves the rule) when ever a craft has moved from being a domestic thing done on a small scale for personal/very local comsumption into a good for trade done on a larg scale it tends to move...
  13. Rurik

    Liquid Vs Dry Yeast - Im Converted - Should I Be?

    I got a HC and a first in Style using dry yeast. You have to treat it right.
  14. Rurik

    Lady Brewers

    The feminine noun for a beer maker is a Brewster, quaint and un pc but I like the word and think it should be used more :-)
  15. Rurik

    My Family Car Stickers

    My personal fav/hate is "The Goddess is Dancing" I have allways wanted on that said "The Goddess is Dancing & people are stuffing money down her bra!"
  16. Rurik

    Show Us Your Beer Engines

    To clean my engin I run some cleaing solution through it(sodium percabonate), then flush with water. Every so oftern (about once a year) I pull apart and clean & lube in the same way I do my draft system.
  17. Rurik

    Show Us Your Beer Engines

    Well after sitting on my Hand Pump for almost a year, I have got the last bits to set it up. I am using a micro controlled reg set very low into a Cornie Keg through the post, through 8mm line into a check valve then into the pump itself. I have a spring loaded sparkler to close off the system...
  18. Rurik

    Byo Magazine - Has This Month's Arrived? Thread

    my came last week!
  19. Rurik


    I quite like my Aspire Net book for Uni. throw it in the bag, it is light, can fit it on the small desk or balance on my lap in lecture theatres, good battery life and my uni is fully networked with wireless so can access the net any wear on campus. I can type for a while in the library, tutes...