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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Rurik

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    spun copper would be the cheapest to make.
  2. Rurik

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    \ tooling up to do a spun coper dome would cost more than just buying one
  3. Rurik

    Show Us Your Beer Engines

    Try MHB
  4. Rurik

    Grains Of Paradise

    Try MHB I got some from him before Christmas.
  5. Rurik

    Nut Brown Ale

    I have done milds in a 50l braumeister with around 6kg of grain with no problems. The only time I have had issues with a fountain in my 20l was doing a wheat beer with 5kg of grist of which about 3kg was wheat. Backed off the tube a few times until I got a nice compact bed then no problems.
  6. Rurik

    Censorship On Ahb's_law
  7. Rurik

    Censorship On Ahb

    Do you think the thred was closed because you sounded like a whingeing little bitch. Go and take two spoonfuls of concreat and harden the f*** up. Rather than getting on some forume and have a cry try contacting some one who can do some thing about it. Also I am pretty sure that the brewers at...
  8. Rurik

    Best Kolsch Malt

    How can this bee when Best Pale malt spec is 5-7EBC? Areyou sure you are not thinking about theHeidelberg Malt?
  9. Rurik

    Co2 Cylinder Problems

    That is not funny because people do **** like that all the time and it is not them who is going to get hurt. It is the person who is filling it, who is just doing their job.
  10. Rurik

    Recipe For The Megaswill Masses?

    I have done this a few times. I have droped the cara pils in my last batch. It is pretty cheap to brew and I once made it for a dam party whear it was drunk prety quick by a lot of country lads.;recipe=1057
  11. Rurik

    Newbie Question About Ag Brewing

    Why would maillard recaction be part of this process when according to the artical these happen at 151c ?
  12. Rurik

    Newbie Question About Ag Brewing

    I have never heard of this and would like to see the reference before I make up my mind about it. If you cannot back up these statements do not go spreading them as if they are fact as it will only add to the confusion.
  13. Rurik

    Newbie Question About Ag Brewing

    How? Suger does not boil off it just concentrates.
  14. Rurik

    Speidels Braumeister. Impressive Yes. Expensive Yes.

    It clogs every thing up! Then will require a full strip down and clean.
  15. Rurik

    Speidels Braumeister. Impressive Yes. Expensive Yes.

    I use pellets strate it the BM no issues. Do not use flowers or plugs st ut does not like it.
  16. Rurik

    What's On At The Wig N Pen Now?

    The bull dog is off, I have been subbing with the IPA. Their is a nice Choc porter last time I had it, it was infused with coffee beans that was a little to much for me(though every one else liked it) and their is lots off other stuff including a RSI and a double.
  17. Rurik

    Newcastle! Where To Drink?

    I would put Murrys and Potters on the same level, and while I am ranting it is worth seeung Blue Tongue just for the size.
  18. Rurik

    Newcastle! Where To Drink?

    The Wicko ~ bog stadard Australian pub but it has whale ale on tap. Good pub grub.
  19. Rurik

    Shipstones Crew

    Drank one adt night. It was good, nice malty clean flavor I am thinking the heritage xtal. Well balenced and evident hopping. Will drink again.
  20. Rurik

    Beer Engine Rebuild

    When I pulled mine down I was able to get a parts diagram from the manufcture, this made the job simple. Rurik