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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Rurik

    Using enzymes for mashing

    I think enzymes production finishes once germination is halted.
  2. Rurik

    Using enzymes for mashing

    Umm there is enzyme's in the grain. It is how we malt it.
  3. Rurik

    WTB: Temperature control heat/cool set up (STC-1000 or similar)

    So I went out this afternoon at 13.20 and sitting on my door step was my STC 1000 from Sen Zehn China. So that make is 13 days, 20 hours and 39 mins for delivery. I am happy with that.
  4. Rurik

    Specifically Keg King filters

    I have tried back flushing. I am not super worried as I used to work as a warranty tec for a pool company. I have never seen a clean filter no matter what you do.
  5. Rurik

    Specifically Keg King filters

    I am having the same issues re not being able to clean it. Socked in Perc, Pink and Sun Bleached it. Still not coming clean.
  6. Rurik

    Keg King's return policy

    It is the mark of knowing your business. In this case KK know they sell stuff of variable quality so when it does not work they replace it no questions asked. I am sure they are still ahead.
  7. Rurik

    Cascade Pale Ale- Help

    Yep they have given you a recipe for a light Australian Lager. Which is what you have asked for. As to how much and what of, well to pull a recipe out of my bum I would use 100% base malt upto what ever gravity you want. I would go two additions of POR .5g per liter at 15min left in the boil...
  8. Rurik

    WTB: Temperature control heat/cool set up (STC-1000 or similar)

    I would follow it up, I got my last one in like four days.
  9. Rurik

    WTB: Temperature control heat/cool set up (STC-1000 or similar)

    So it is 17:41 on the 12th May, I have just ordered a STC 1000 from the link above. Lets see how long it takes to come in from Shen Zehn China.
  10. Rurik

    Big W 19L Pot out of stock?

    Having worked for the company; Nobody orders anything that works in the shop. They ordering is done by the Auto Stocker supervisor who is usually not anywhere near the shop and may never have walked into it.
  11. Rurik

    "BentSpoke", new Canberra brewpub link

    Which is a great thing and I use regularly. I don't understand riders who do not.
  12. Rurik

    [WTB] MillMaster MKII Crank Handle

    If you are interested in parting with it I have a mark one and a motor I dont use. I would be interested.
  13. Rurik

    Supposing I Found a Keg?

    I hope it is more then the Six Pack CUB sent me. Had a person offer me a hundred kegs for $2K, he sent me a photo of them and they were clearly from CUB. So I forward their customer service email a copy of what he sent me and a few months later I got a thank you letter & a six pack of Fat Yak...
  14. Rurik

    Marks Home Brew confirmed to stay open then sold

    It is what it is, margins in the Home Brew industry are razor thin and people are always undercutting everybody. Just remember next time you go to order something on the cheap rather then buy it from your local retailer. What is it really going to cost you?
  15. Rurik


    I have never made it but a few friends of mince have. When it comes to cooking less is more in my opinion but maybe it is an acquired taste which once you get use to you like the super cooked.
  16. Rurik

    Camper Trailers: Spend ya money how?

    Not a camper trailer comment specificly (as I don't use one but rather have my tarago kitted out for what I do) but I highly rate 12v Led lights. They just work and work well and on top of that use bugger all power for the light they put out.
  17. Rurik

    new to kegging

    I do it all the time and don't have issues. I bring the keg pressure back up to carbonation pressure rather then poring pressure then disconnect.
  18. Rurik

    Murray's Whale Ale

    It is one of their biggest selling beers. I don't think it is going to be axed.
  19. Rurik

    330ml Champagne Style Beer Bottles

    I am interested in at least 60 of them, where can I pick them up from?
  20. Rurik

    Jobs at Stone brewing

    Minimum wage in the USA depends on what state you are in. Off the top of our heads NY is $7.25 an hour and if you are in a tipping industry it is $2.25 an hour.