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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. W

    Re-using Yeast

    I believe that Whitelabs recomends up to 5 times. Here's what I do: Get the new yeast and pitch it into a beer. Take 4 or 5 plastic containers of slurry (well sanitised of course) and store them in the fridge. Use one of them for my next brew, fill the container again afer the brew has...
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    Help Homebrewers Team Beat The Millertime Team

    dreamboat I am using a kit number K145 from I ordered it from Melbourne. The software can be found at This kit only records temperature, does not control it. There is a Jaycar wine cooler kit that I think does this. I just use a...
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    Decoction Mashing

    Manaen What you have will work, but if possible try to get a bigger pot for your boiling so that you can do a bigger sparge. (40l is ideal) I imagine it will work something like this. 5kg of grain mashing in the bucket with 15l of water. At the end of the mash, approx 10l will drain into...
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    Help Homebrewers Team Beat The Millertime Team

    Yep, I did it. Initially oin the old PC that monitors the temperature of the fridge (Linux) and then on my main XP machine as a cool scrennsaver. The way I see it is, if it's sittlng wasting power, you might as well put it towards something useful.
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    Pilsner Urquell

    Perhaps a chastity belt and a fail! Need a lot more beer.
  6. W

    Too Much Water

    wiggins I've had low OG readings sometimes because it is more concentrated on the bottom of the fermenter than the top, so it might be closer to 35 or 40. (where did you take the reading?) I'm sure it will be a good easy drinking beer either way. Will
  7. W

    Cold Conditioning / Clarity / Carbonation

    Something I've been thinking about and I'd be interested in your opinions on: When a beer is cold conditioned the yeast, & residual stuff (proteins, starches etc) drops out of solution, to the bottom of the vessels, leaving a clear, clean tasting beer, after a few days / weeks (depending upon...
  8. W

    2006 Bjcp Study Course/exam

    Berp, I'll keep watching this space for a study group in NW Sydney. Depending upon the location and date / time - I'll try to attend (with a view to sitting the exam). Thanks Will
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    Bjcp Forums

    Berp & Sosman Great to hear this is happening, it will be a good advertisement for us in Australia and the amount of beer we consume. Not sure how I can help, I'm no beer judge, but please let me know if I collate stuff, or help in other ways. I'm very computer literate and have a bit of time...
  10. W

    Bjcp Forums

    I noticed today (& maybe I am slow) that there are forums allowing discussion of each beer style at the BJCP website. Not much there yet, but might be a good place to talk about Australian Styles, and how we can fit them into BJCP.
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    Decoction Mashing

    Thanks for all the comments, great reading. I can contribute a little bit of advice that is do what suits what you have (equipmewnt wise) and what you have planned for the day (other than brewing). For example when I mash in the kitchen at my place (a small unit), my hot water temperature...
  12. W

    Frothing At Bottle Priming Stage

    Perhaps you could try one of those "little bottlers". They are a tube with a little spring loaded valve at the bottom and cost about $5 from your local home brew shop. It reduced my froth on beers with a lot of wheat in them.
  13. W

    Wake Up America !

    Was there a shortage of grain a month or so ago? (Not enough beer now.) Way too much time spent here!
  14. W

    Drinking Planner

    Great program - might want to check the schoooner size and the ABV for full strength though.
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    Cigarette Smoke

    As an ex smoker I love the smell of smoke, as long as it's outside and I can choose to get away from it when I want. I can't wait for venues to be totally smoke free (inside) in a couple of years. What I find strange now is how much I notice the smoke at some venues after getting used to...
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    Commercial Beer Change

    maybe VB lite as well!
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    Newbies To All Grain

    Nice to see some simple instructions, it wasn't that long ago I was brewing in few converted plastic fermenters, one with a heater attached to mash/boil and another with holes drilled in it to sparge. I even used to let it cool in the fermenter (well sanitised) overnight to let it cool before...
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    New National Brewing Competition

    So looks (to me) like the way to run a comp. is to choose a few BJCP styles that are popular (or have an interest) in the area (of the comp), add a couple of australian ones, and away we go. In the end we have good guidelines and we get to make better beer.
  19. W

    A Little Advice Needed

    Pick upi some PET bottles at Coles or Bilo, or use old soft drink bottles. That way you can feel them getting hard, and if they get really hard, just let the gas out (when they are cold).