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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. cdbrown

    Beer And Brewer Mag

    Still in publication - latest issue is no. 20 - Autumn 2012. I didn't notice it in the newsagents today when I was in there looking for brew your own. I got mine through a subscription (birthday present)
  2. cdbrown

    Bubblegum Esters From Us-05

    Alt tastes great - no problems at all with it. 1 keg already gone. Signs of ferment the following morning. Initial ferment temp at 17c for 3 days, then started slowly increasing temp up to 21c on the 8th day where it hit 1.009. I don't pitch onto the cake. Swirled the slurry and poured off...
  3. cdbrown

    Bubblegum Esters From Us-05

    About 250-300ml of slurry. Alt finished ferment 4/1 at which point it was chilled for about a week. Brewed the pale ale and kegged the alt on same day. Allowed slurry to warm before pitching. It's just a bit weird that I didn't note any esters from the ferment samples including the one...
  4. cdbrown

    Bubblegum Esters From Us-05

    I brewed an aussie pale ale recipe 13/1 using a US-05 slurry of an alt. Recipe is below. Got 77% efficiency instead of the normal 70%. Fermented out without any noticeable esters, then sat cold in the fermenter for nearly 2 weeks prior to kegging. When I kegged it I noticed a slight...
  5. cdbrown

    Yeast Starter And Splitting Yeast Packs

    I don't quite get what you mean - can you explain please? edit - I get it now - need to bring the wort up to 1.040ish not just add new wort at 1.040. So take into account the 200ml is at 1.012 (guess) I was concerned about the oxidation - the starters always smell and taste fairly ordinary.
  6. cdbrown

    Yeast Starter And Splitting Yeast Packs

    I smacked the 2 yo irish yeast and it took about 3 days to fully swell so happy with that. I did a 200ml starter mainly because 100ml in the 2L flask on the stirbar wasn't going to work with the slightly concave base. Anyway it's been on the stirplate for about 5 or so days at 20c. I meant to...
  7. cdbrown

    Beer Too Sweet?

    Probably due to the increase in LDME which will provide a slightly higher FG and residual sweetness although it wouldn't be much. S04 does promote the malt character more being an english strain. US05 will go a little drier and promote the hops. So combination of both the extra ldme and the...
  8. cdbrown

    40a Ssr

    On the mains side of the SSR do you have the active being switched? I mean does it have the brown wire going to one side of the ssr and then out to the element. The blue wire just goes direct to the element? Do you have the switch already wired in - maybe take that out to see if that helps...
  9. cdbrown

    40a Ssr

    my wiring diagram wasn't useful?
  10. cdbrown

    40a Ssr

    I have my panel wired so that I have a main power switch which turns on the PID. This PID supplies the 12v to switch the SSR. On the 240v side of the SSR I have another switch so that I can turn the element off when I don't want anything heated, or turn it on when I want the PID to control...
  11. cdbrown

    40a Ssr

    The PID will provide the power to switch it on and off. Look here for my wiring - I can isolate the element from the PID, which is slightly different from what you want to do. Why don't you want the PID to have control from the...
  12. cdbrown

    Reciepe Check- German Lager

    Lower temp mashes can benefit from longer duration to help extract convert all the sugars. Longer boils are recommended for pilsner malts to drive off the precursors to DMS which can develop during ferment.
  13. cdbrown

    Pid Setup

    The manual has all the details for initial set up, there was a lot I didn't bother changing. The hard part is getting the head around how to program the mash steps. For each step the temp you put in is the start temp of the step, the time is the length of the step. So if you want a 66c for...
  14. cdbrown

    What Has Been Your Longest Run Of Afd's

    I generally don't drink Mon-Wed. Although I had 2 last night so there goes that theory.. Been quite a few sundays which were alcohol free but that was probably due to drinking too much on Saturday and being woken early by the kidlets.
  15. cdbrown

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    Down US$160 PB28012C Metal Chimay 2X75cl + 1 Glass 1 $40.00 $40.00 PB24003 Box Kwak 4 X 33 Cl + Glass 1 $50.00 $50.00 BB30224 La Chouffe 8 -1/3L 2 $5.20 $10.40 BB30225...
  16. cdbrown

    2011 Sandgropers Tasting Thread

    1. Jimboley - Kick Arse Dry Stout JYO - What an awesome beer! I love a good stout and this is right up there, mate. Reminds me of Coopers Best Extra, yet with a drier finish. Yeast? Ticked all the boxes of Kickarsedness for me. Maybe this could be renamed '******' Awesome Stout'. Fish - Had...
  17. cdbrown

    Yeast Starter And Splitting Yeast Packs

    Ordered the 30ml containers but just got a call saying they were now all out of stock (labelled and unlabelled). Thankfully the 50ml containers are in stock and only a few $ more. So are you suggesting to just top up the starter or follow the chill, decant, new wort, repeat. Ferment for a day...
  18. cdbrown

    Yeast Starter And Splitting Yeast Packs

    I've got an old irish ale (WY1084) from June 10 and london ale 3 (WY1318) from April 09 so they both have very very low viability. Would I be best off making a starter for these and trying to build the cells up to 100B or so before doing the split into containers? I forgot that I had them, but...
  19. cdbrown

    Yeast Starter And Splitting Yeast Packs

    I always thought it was just topping up the volume, but after looking at the Care and Feeding of Your Yeast link on that page, he says to chill, decant, allow to warm and add the next step volume.
  20. cdbrown

    Yeast Starter And Splitting Yeast Packs

    From the yeast website - for a pilsner with OG1.047 and volume 42L I need 735B cells. I figure I'll need 3 steps from 1 - 2.5 - 5L in order to get the required cell count from a split pack. Going straight to a 5L won't be enough. Great website as I would have probably underpitched thinking a...