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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. cdbrown

    Source For Erlyenmeyer Flasks?

    I'm keen for 2x 1L (already have a 2L and 5L)
  2. cdbrown

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    I'm still trying to get the substitutes correct. Bit frustrating having to chase them every few days to see whether the order is being processed. I got this last night Dear Craig, The first box left our warehouse on 17/02 with the tracking EAxxxxxxxxE (kilopost Int’l) It arrived at Perth...
  3. cdbrown

    Stepped Yeast Starter Calculator

    it would seem that Total Cells at Finish is always green even if the cell count is below the target for the batch. Was working prior to the colour change on the innoculation rate.
  4. cdbrown

    Stepped Yeast Starter Calculator

    Do you find that in order to get the 4-5x increase in the first step or so your innoculation rate is about 15-20M/ml? An example is a lager yeast from November last year = 27B viable cells. 1.5L starter on stir plate produces 135B cells with an innoc rate of 18M/ml. Targeting a 50 innoc rate...
  5. cdbrown

    Stepped Yeast Starter Calculator

    sulli, excellent site, am now basing my starters and steps on your info. A potential improvement is to state clearly on the site to try and get the 50-100 target innoculation rate. It's not mentioned on the care and feeding page even though it states the innoculation rate is important, and...
  6. cdbrown

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    I contacted them to ask about shipping and have been notified that mine hasn't left the shop. It would seem they don't have any of the chimay packs in stock and have suggested that I choose another product as a substitution. They have no indication as to when they would receive new stock. So...
  7. cdbrown

    Pet Cpbf Issues

    The times when I've had it foam up on me was if I've got the relief valve open to much. Just throwing out ideas - To me it sounds like a pressure issue - as if you a pouring out a normal tap into the bottle - there's not the gas pressure present in the system to keep the gas in solution. Will...
  8. cdbrown

    First Attempt At Splitting Yeast Slurry

    I didn't pay any attention to the magical 50-100 innoculation rate - didn't know about it. I pitched a Nov11 czech pilsner into a 1.5L starter. Innoculation rate a measily 17million. It was only through this thread that I noticed that hovering over the cell provided the 50-100 information...
  9. cdbrown

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    Same. Although I wasn't expecting anything for a while. Did anyone get any notice that their beers were shipped? Or how it was being shipped - air or sea freight?
  10. cdbrown

    Auberins Pid Settings

    Instead of using the stop watch - if you press the SET button it will show you the number of the step it's currently running. Pressing it again will show the running time of the step. I have a feeling that on the first test it moved to C2 straight away (which can happen if that's the step you...
  11. cdbrown

    Auberins Pid Settings

    The good thing with the Hy stuff is that once it's set it doesn't matter what your SV is, the program will hold until it's near that temp. Also if it over runs for any reason the program will hold while it cools. I know I'll be changing these values next time. The default is 9999 for Hy-1...
  12. cdbrown

    Auberins Pid Settings

    I think I did my autotune when it was at temp - it basically turns the element on and off at various times to determine the response. I have run it a few times initially across a few brews. I might run it again as I'm now restricting the flow when it's at rest temps. From the manual "users...
  13. cdbrown

    Auberins Pid Settings

    From the manual it says "Unless the deviation alarms are set to a narrow range, the ramping time decides when the program is going to the next step. Once the ramping time is finished the current step, the controller will execute the next step regardless if the temperature reaches the target...
  14. cdbrown

    Auberins Pid Settings

    there must be a wrong setting in the steps if that's happening. Ca:66 t:6mins - ramp from 66 to 78 over 6mins (set this for however long you want) Cb:78 t:10mins - holds 78 for 10mins Cc:78 t:0 - hold point in the program
  15. cdbrown

    First Brew - Wheat - How Long To Condition?

    Clove comes from the yeast. Keeping the ferment on the cool side will promote the clove, warmer side promotes the banana.
  16. cdbrown

    Auberins Pid Settings

    you need to have another step. It ramps to C5 temp and then there's no end temp of the step so it'll drop C6: 50, t: 0 (does this hold it) (or maybe -1 which stops the program - I need to look at the manual for the additional codes)
  17. cdbrown

    How Much Lager Yeast To Pitch?

    2 packs, rehydrate and you'll have some healthy yeast with minimal lag time before strong signs of ferment. Underpitch and it'll stress the yeast, throw out some funky flavours and increase the chance of an infection as the long lag time of the yeast allows any bacteria in the wort to take...
  18. cdbrown

    Co2 Tanks In Perth

    I've had my bottles filled by Paul, no problems at all. Even replaced an a part or two in the valve for nothing. It's a fill while you wait service and you should call in advance to make sure he'll be running the CO2 compressor.
  19. cdbrown

    Gas Lines In Keezer

    Hi all, I've got a freezer which holds 8 kegs all gassed up through a 6-way manifold and some john guest splitters. The tubing I got from Craftbrewer 8mm OD, 5mm ID. Unfortunately the lines are all over the place and it's getting annoying when removing empty kegs, putting new ones in or just...
  20. cdbrown

    Font Mounted Counter Pressure Filler.

    Used mine after a couple of months of not being used and all the parts that were meant to move were stuck pretty good. Thankfully managed to get the relief open and also the pouring tap working so I could fill a bottle. What do you guys run through it once you've finished using it? Do you...