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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. mark.farrell1

    First Ginger Beer

    Hi all I just put down my first Alcoholic Ginger Beer and was just wondering if there are any tips or little things i can do to help improve it. etc temps etc. Thanks guys Also I have been looking for pics that show the computer fan mounted in a chest freezer I searched the forum all last...
  2. mark.farrell1

    If These Were A Little Bit Cheaper

    the ultimate serving option
  3. mark.farrell1

    Grays Online Auctions Fridge/freezer
  4. mark.farrell1

    What Kind Of Computer Fan ?

    Hi all I am going to purchase a computer fan for my chest freezer and was wondering what kind of fan have you guys used, how much and how did you power it. Thanks guys
  5. mark.farrell1

    Whats A Good Brewing Temp For Lagar

    Just wondering what a good brew temp is for a lagar ? I tried to search but nothing came up
  6. mark.farrell1

    What Is A Collar

    Thanks again cliffo that article says it all, and i will be able to wire up no worries, happy brewing
  7. mark.farrell1

    What Is A Collar

    Thanks cliffo For some reason i thought a collar was on the bottom. Looks great and i cant wait to build one up. One question though how did you go wiring up the fridge mate. I have been studying the instruction booklet and i think i know how to do it. Do you have a vast knowledge of wiring or...
  8. mark.farrell1

    What Is A Collar

    Hi Was reading through some old posts and noticed some talk about a collar fitted in a freezer. What is this and what does it do ? This seems like a really stupid question but i can't work it out.Maybe some pics would help me.... Thanks alot
  9. mark.farrell1

    My Coffie Machine

    This is my machine It is the lazy mans machine. The jug on the right is for the milk, all the coffie beans are in the top. All you do is press Cappicino, Flat white or Latte and it froths the milk, grinds the beans, transfers the grinded beans into whereever they go inside the machine and a...
  10. mark.farrell1

    Thermstat On My Chest Freezer

    Hi all I bought a new 260 L chest freezer today as I broke my beer fridge last night. It has an adjustable thermo on it and all the instruction booklet said was it comes at setting 4 which is -18deg, 1 is warmer and 7 is colder. I have turned it straight to 1. Has anyone else done this and will...
  11. mark.farrell1

    I Made The Most Amauture Racking Setup

    I rack to the second tub and add finings and 3 teaspoons of sugar
  12. mark.farrell1

    Anyone Installed There Own Fridgemate

    Has any one installed there own fridgemate? if so was it easy or do you need a sparkie to do it !! thanks
  13. mark.farrell1

    I Made The Most Amauture Racking Setup

    Your right on the money and it is also a storage solution, its just easier when the brew starts to chuck it straight up top then rack to second tub then when secondary fermantation is complete straight to keg on the lower shelf than its just a meter lift to the right and into the fridge
  14. mark.farrell1

    Pure Blonde Result

    Hello all remember a couple of weeks ago when the pure blonde was up for discussion... Well i cracked it last night and it tasteok to me but it is super strong and absoutly knocked my head off last night. I had about 6-7 schooners and was **** faced. I think this is because of the dry enzime...
  15. mark.farrell1

    I Hit A Gas Line

    Well I hit prob the only gas line in my fridge drilling in the side to install the beer line. My question is is there any home remedies to plug the hole. This completly sucks arse as my fridge is now turned off and my kegs are slowly getting hotter, but i will still keep drinking them as i am...
  16. mark.farrell1

    I Made The Most Amauture Racking Setup

    i lift it up it only weights 20kg
  17. mark.farrell1

    Still Taste Soapy

    hi again members not to sure but inthink my beer tate soapy. I keg and wash everything and steralizze. ///is it my chick i keep telling here to not but beer glasses in the fridge and the dishwasher. sorry for the spelling pretty shitters write now.....................
  18. mark.farrell1

    I Made The Most Amauture Racking Setup

    this mini tower only took up 500 by 500 ml and after the pics i installed ceramic tiles on the floor and will eventually fill the sides in to make a really natural cool ling col room in my very airated laundry
  19. mark.farrell1

    I Made The Most Amauture Racking Setup

    here is the best shot of the RACKING TOWER in full it took me a bit to move in to view but hope you guys like it...??
  20. mark.farrell1

    Sitting Kegs

    thanks heaps man