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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    manticle, always with the gay ****.... perhaps you could get a rib removed and suck your own peen.
  2. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    a turd is claiming he's survived for 2 months through the depths of winter, living in his car no less.. on nothing but... snow.
  3. yardy

    Get Ye Behind Me Satan?

    + 1, grab a 6 pack
  4. yardy

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    They're all a pack of bastards :icon_vomit:
  5. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    got an N8 that's been a good phone so far, welding and grinding with it in your pocket seems to have had no adverse effects on it, go nokia or go home is my mantra. well... it's not really my mantra, i've been awake for 23 hours due to just finishing my first night-shift so i'm prone to mantra...
  6. yardy

    Qldkev's First 3v Run

    Nice work Kev :icon_cheers:
  7. yardy

    Whats In The Glass

  8. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    i got me tits back.
  9. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    do ewe speel like that on porpoise ?
  10. yardy

    Above Ground Hungi Made In A 50l Keg

    built it yet ?
  11. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    we've all seen mimi macphersons video but kate ritchie's was something else :icon_chickcheers:
  12. yardy

    Birthday Drinks

    Have a good day Screwy :beer:
  13. yardy

    Just Answering

    how many kids do you have manticle ?
  14. yardy

    Whats In The Glass

    looks like he teabagged it :D
  15. yardy

    What are you listening to

    a mix of Colin Hay, Neil Young, Double Agents and The Bamboos this arvo B)
  16. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    ****, i just caught a glimpse of bert newton on ten news and i thought that kim jong il had been resurrected.
  17. yardy

    Just Answering

    it's very difficult for the police to apprehend criminals when all they are is a revenue raising department. as an aside, i would love to see Anna Blight and Campbell Spewman drive north from Gympie to Rockhampton, which ever one survives would most likely get my vote, parts of the Bruce Hwy on...
  18. yardy

    No Topic Thread

    you should probably relocate to Poland.