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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. beerbog

    Drill for grain mill - torque requirements?

    I also use that drill, great low end torque and slow speed with throttle control. Just what you need. :beerbang:
  2. beerbog

    WY1272 American Ale Yeast II

    From memory it should take less than a week for a healthy primary to finish, I generally leave mine 12 - 14 days to settle out anyway. Also depends on your ferment temp. :icon_chickcheers:
  3. beerbog

    Recomendations On First Keg Setup

    If you're serious about your stouts, Irish ales etc, get a nitro tap and a cylinder of 70/30 nitro/C2 mix. I got my nitro tap from the US (Perlick I think) and my local home brew shop can fill a D cylinder of 70/30 for $50. Uses a standard reg also. Best investment to the brewery for a while...
  4. beerbog

    How Much Did You Brew 2012?

    466L. :beerbang:
  5. beerbog

    Citra & Amarillo

    Cascades great, it's my favourite hop to use. :icon_drool2:
  6. beerbog

    Citra & Amarillo

    There's plenty of other yummy hops to brew with. Just ignore the retailers trying to flog off "limited supply" hops for ridiculous prices. :beerbang:
  7. beerbog

    Homebrew Stores In And Around Newcastle

    Same, no correspondance for over a week. At least a reply to an email to say it will take a while would be enough, but to not reply to anything isn't very good for business, especially as he does operate as an online shop also. I personally like what Mark has to sell and his normally quick...
  8. beerbog

    Kk 9 Litre Kegs $60.00

    Cheap chinese **** dude. :blink:
  9. beerbog

    Infection Photo Thread

    Does it smell like vomit? :icon_vomit:
  10. beerbog

    Nsw Amateur Brewing Competition

    100% agree. Great comp. Winners announced. Move on. :icon_cheers:
  11. beerbog

    Anyone Want To Invest

    I'm in, give me some contact details. I'll even chuck in the house. Great bargain. :super:
  12. beerbog

    Rookie Mistake - Dry Hopping With Por

    Just give it a crack, you might like it. It will undoubtedly leave all that other mega swill **** for dead anyway! :P
  13. beerbog

    Vert Wyrt Wrt Or Wort

    Wort, I'm aussie, not American, German or any other nationality. :beerbang:
  14. beerbog

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    I'm surprised he doesn't have any bidders.......... :blink:
  15. beerbog

    Increase Final Gravity

    Just pull it before it reaches terminal gravity. :beerbang:
  16. beerbog

    Does Your Home Brew Have An Effect On You?

    Or just drink beer. :icon_drunk:
  17. beerbog

    Does Your Home Brew Have An Effect On You?

    I find my homebrew doesn't affect me like the megaswill crap from the pub. I think it definately has something to do with what they put in it. I can drink mine all afternoon and only have a slight fuzzy head in the morning, drink megaswill all afternoon and take 2 days to get over it, as well...
  18. beerbog

    3068 Way Over Pitched

    Give it a little time, now that you know what you are looking for, you'll probably think the smell is there, even if it isn't. 6 days is a very short time. As per Jamil's book, banana taste in the low 20's, cloves in the high teens, but if you go back to 17 deg you get banana again. I did...
  19. beerbog

    Scales For Hops

    :icon_offtopic: Beernorks sounds better............ :D
  20. beerbog

    3068 Way Over Pitched

    You'll enjoy it, I had a couple of bottles which I did when I kegged, about 8 weeks later and there was no trace of old stinky fart, tasted great. :beerbang: