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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. beerbog

    Illawarra Brewing Co. now doing Growler refills

    Brownish Bomber is a top drop. :icon_drool2:
  2. beerbog

    Can I ship home brew cornie kegs full of beer to the UK?

    A keg a week shouldn't be too hard. :chug:
  3. beerbog

    375 vs 750

    2L growlers! :super:
  4. beerbog


    I had the same problem with the drops, now I just use an online bulk priming calculator, put in the size of bottle I am filling, temp, volume etc, grab a small set of scales and add the exact amount of sugar that it says to. Mind you I am not filling 60+ stubbies, just a few over flows from a...
  5. beerbog

    I thought citra was awesome, but now everything just tastes like pash-

    I'm just about to keg an APA bittered with Magnum, flavoured and dry hopped with Citra. I lowered the dry to 1.5g/L, hoping it doesn't over power too much. :icon_drool2:
  6. beerbog

    Style Of The Week 16/8/06 - Belgian Dubbel

    My liquid candy sugar was put into the boil, 500g of the dark stuff. :beerbang:
  7. beerbog

    Instagram users.

    beerbog. :chug:
  8. beerbog

    50l Braumeister

    There is an app that does the conversion. I can only talk from an IPhone perspective though. It's called Brew Calc. :beerbang:
  9. beerbog

    50l Braumeister

    Braumeister's rock. :super:
  10. beerbog

    3068 starter need a lot of head space?

    I've used 3068 a few times now, and never have I had an over zelous ferment, all were started to 1.5L. 21-22L in a 30L fermentor. No touching the glad wrap. Ferment temp 18 deg c. :icon_drool2:
  11. beerbog

    Murray's Angry Man Clone

    I've found, and also been told, that >10% crystal can impart a metallic twang in the beer. Mine was good for about a week once kegged, then it started. It didn't infect the beer, just made it hard to enjoy. :beerbang:
  12. beerbog

    Murray's Angry Man Clone

    That's a lot of crystal/cara. Maybe <10% total. :icon_vomit:
  13. beerbog


    Just mashing a pale now, bittering with Magnum, flavouring with Mosaic to 40 IBU and a 2g/L dry hop Mosaic as well. Just a basic 90/5/5 Ale, wheat, crystal malt bill. :super:
  14. beerbog

    Nitro carbing issue

    Log, have you tried this new method yet? I've got an Irish Red coming off the ferment soon and I was wondering if I should give it a go? Cheers. B)
  15. beerbog

    Dans, The craft beer experts..NOT

    Off topic, but isn't it funny how people greet someone they've never met before with "mate" and greet their mates with "c**t"! :lol:
  16. beerbog

    Hop Dealz Australia

    It certainly isn't Yob, and if you live up to it, you'll make a good living out of this without even trying. What people want is honesty. Hope it all goes well for you. :beerbang:
  17. beerbog

    Hop Dealz Australia

    Goods just arrived, thanks Yob. :beerbang: