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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Airgead

    RIP Gene Wilder

    Always young Frankenstein for me. Huge loss. Will watch again tonight.
  2. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    When did the Amish settle in Freemantle?
  3. Airgead

    Bread Porn

    450c gets the crust nice and dark...
  4. Airgead

    Looking for a good braggot recipe

    Mine is a basic brown ale with half the base malt replaced with honey. Honey added in the fermenter. Base beer is about 2-3%abv with the final beer at 5ish.
  5. Airgead

    Malcolm Roberts... oh my goodness gracious!

    The thing with conspiracy ideation is that it rapidly becomes self referential and self re-enforcing. Any evidence that the conspiracy is in fact bollocks is rejected as being part of the conspiracy. Once you are into a conspiracy thinking mode it becomes very hard to get out and very easy to go...
  6. Airgead

    Bread Porn

    I've done a few no kneeds as well. Great technique. I don't have enough pots (or time) to bake enough loaves for the family that way so I tend to stick with the traditional way. Plus I kneed the exercise (see what I did there). BTW - increasing the yeast dosage doesn't work as the dough needs...
  7. Airgead

    Smoking Meat...

    Nice. Just out of interest, how many kilos is a years supply? And how do you store it?
  8. Airgead

    Smoking Meat...

    You really, really like a bit of cheese don't you...
  9. Airgead

    Its all about the Pork

    No fair! You absolutely can not post pictures like this two hours before lunch. I'm bloody starving now.
  10. Airgead

    Winter = soups & stews

  11. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    Nope. My kids seem to have been possesed by aliens or something. They are actually leaving the house and walking around in daylight.
  12. Airgead

    Food Gardening

    Ooohh ohhhh... Pick me! Pick me! Pm sent
  13. Airgead

    Food Gardening

    Talking about tomatoes... Do you guys net to protect against fruit fly? Those of you who aren't growing n greenhouses anyway. And if so, how does that impact pollination? I'm sick of the fruit fly but don't fancy hand pollination either. Cheers Dave
  14. Airgead

    Help on cider

    Yep. Crush and ferment in autumn, condition cold all winter and drink in the spring. Mine ferments at ambient in late autumn (round 15 this year) but then I use a wine yeast.
  15. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    Yeah, pry them from their cold, dead fingers....
  16. Airgead

    Things that make you proud to be a parent

    My daughter wears a shirt to her karate class that says "happy to demonstrate what hits like a girl really means". It's my son though that is making me do the proud parent thing at the moment. He's 15 and in year 10. As part of the assessment, they need to do a weeks work experience. He has...
  17. Airgead

    No Topic Thread

    Yeah, I did that as well. 8pm cut off and I time limited it to 2 hrs max per day. Then the little buggers got phones and they just switched to their phones after curfew. I'll have to steal their phones and install a parental control app...
  18. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Yep. That's right. Hanson has no knowledge whatsoever about Islam.
  19. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Yep. The average weekly earnings as reported by the ABS last year is 1499. Thats 77K/year. The 100K figure reported is for household earnings. Average earnings are also distorted by outliers (like CEOs on 10M/year) so a better figure is the median income. Unfortunatly i cant find an up to date...
  20. Airgead

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    My most humble apologies.