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  1. LethalCorpse

    Digital Thermostats

    No, it's not any kind of modification of the power cable. That's my point. It's a box which plugs into the wall, and then has a socket on it which you plug your fridge into. No modification of the fridge, or the fridge's power cable, is required. You are right on glorified switch, though.
  2. LethalCorpse

    Digital Thermostats

    Effectively, rendo, yes. But I can't recommend hacking it directly into your power cord. Wire up a box with a power inlet and outlet, as shown in this and several other threads.
  3. LethalCorpse

    Digital Thermostats

    define "too much cycling". You may have reduced the energy consumption (and I'd be quite curious as to how much energy is saved by increasing the cycle time), but you've also destabilised the temperature of your wort (again, wouldn't be massive, but still). Whether the benefits outweigh the...
  4. LethalCorpse

    Digital Thermostats

    Silicone and heatshrink are not necessary, or recommended. They're both pretty good at insulating, which will slow down the temperature response of your probe, giving you worse control over your temperature, meanwhile the food safe aspect of heatshrink is probably dubious (I know it doesn't...
  5. LethalCorpse

    Digital Thermostats

    Yep, sorry MCT, that wasn't directed at anyone in particular, though kelby did say he had trouble with it, and I can't see why.
  6. LethalCorpse

    Digital Thermostats

    If you can't figure it out from that pinout and the diagrams posted in the tempmate thread, refer to my sig.
  7. LethalCorpse

    Digital Thermostats

    T&T doesn't cut it, has to go through EMC testing, get C-tick, etc.
  8. LethalCorpse

    Digital Thermostats

    can you scan or photograph the supplied instructions? sounds like I'm gonna have to do another diagram
  9. LethalCorpse

    Plate Heat Exchangers

    It really doesn't matter much. Orientation is important if you're trying to move heat via convection (eg, a heatsink in open air), but in this case, the heat transfer is via conduction (using the plates within the heat exchanger to conduct the heat from one liquid stream to the other). Heat will...
  10. LethalCorpse

    Dight Glass /dipstck Chart

    It's cute, but there aren't a lot of tanks which are perfectly cylindrical, so the website is pretty much entirely useless. The best way to do it is just fill it from a measuring jug, 1L at a time. It's probably better to fill it past the outlet, then drain until it stops, and then start...
  11. LethalCorpse

    Fully Automated Brewing System Design

    Yes, but since most people learn through repetition, I'm hoping that at some point you'll start to listen to us.
  12. LethalCorpse

    Fully Automated Brewing System Design

    Yes, my point precisely. Not exactly a job for a one-man band, without any experience, training, or budget, is it? Neither is building a fully automated brewery.
  13. LethalCorpse

    Fully Automated Brewing System Design

    Really? Did you build it by yourself, because you'd alienated anyone who might have been able to help you? Were your only prior qualifications that you knew how to draw, and had walked on a few bridges in your time?
  14. LethalCorpse

    Fully Automated Brewing System Design

    JFK had 25 billion dollars (in the sixties) and a massive team of military and private aeronautics specialists. Bridges are built with millions of dollars, and large teams of civil engineers, structural engineers, project managers, concrete specialists, governmental liaisons, even metal...
  15. LethalCorpse

    Fully Automated Brewing System Design

    Sorry dude, but you weren't listening to anyone - I had to be blunt. I'm all for big, expansive projects and pushing the boundaries of what you know you can do. But this one just isn't going to happen, at least not until you've learnt a whole lot more about brewing and process control. The best...
  16. LethalCorpse

    Fully Automated Brewing System Design

    No, it's pretty clearly you against the world. Sorry, mate, but noone thinks it's going to work. No one's working with you on this quixotry. You've had a fairly wide range of highly knowledgeable people in this thread, including some pretty talented engineers and brewers. There's a difference...
  17. LethalCorpse

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Where do you reckon most of the stainless steel you buy has been made? Sheffield? Toledo? Not likely. They appear to have made substantial efforts to meet design standards, and have them tested and certified before commission. This would be worth every cent of the $35k asking price.
  18. LethalCorpse

    Electricians....question For You?

    How very accurate of you, pbrosnan. Utterly, abjectly useless, but accurate.
  19. LethalCorpse

    Alternate Gas Supply

    How strong are your lungs?