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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. MarkBastard

    Where To Get Cheap Or Free Polystyrene?

    Yeah some packaging comes with thin yet uniformly flat panels of styrafoam. Getting as many of those as you need would be best. You could glue them together in layers to whatever thickness you want and offset the seams so that the gaps don't overlap etc.
  2. MarkBastard

    Bad Cubing Experience

    This has never happened to me, but if it did I'd dump the whole cube in the bin and buy a fresh wort kit from craftbrewer. Then I'd think of it more like losing $50 rather than losing a batch of beer.
  3. MarkBastard

    Help! Megaswill Nightmare

    I recently went to a bbq at my aunties and wasn't planning on drinking so didn't take any beer. After being there for a while and turning down a few offers of Tooheys Extra Dry the missus said she's happy to drive home so I thought what the hell, I'll have one beer. It was bad beer but still...
  4. MarkBastard

    'hop Drops' To Add To Beer

    Not a bad idea. Imagine if you could say add some flavouring to turn a bog standard aussie lager into more of an amber ale with late hop character? Shouldn't be that hard? Just need some liquid crystal and liquid hop extract or something like that? I would do that for sure, I'm always at pubs...
  5. MarkBastard

    Matilda Bay - Pull Your Finger Out

    Hahaha that is the best idea ever.
  6. MarkBastard

    Ice Tea Alcohol

    Why not just do a test in an empty bottle?
  7. MarkBastard

    Braumeister Purchasing Costs

    I could probably live without the 12 month or whatever warranty, but the no dead on arrival warranty is the killer.
  8. MarkBastard

    Braumeister Purchasing Costs

    Yeah agreed.
  9. MarkBastard

    Credit Card Scammed...

    There isn't really such thing as a random event in this regard.
  10. MarkBastard

    Kegging Cleaning And Sterilising Fail!

    But 500ml of Starsan mix is only 0.75mL of actual starsan. From what I understand Starsan works by changing the ph to be too acidic for bugs. If it's further diluted by beer then I don't think that'll be a massive issue?
  11. MarkBastard

    Brisbane: Free 20l Cubes

    Wavell and Banyo, too easy fellas. Can come and pick up between 12 and 1 or after 5 any day, or I can leave them in my courtyard and you can pick up when I'm at work. PM me for address
  12. MarkBastard

    Brisbane: Free 20l Cubes

    Whenever is fine for me mate. Where you living now? I may even be able to drop off.
  13. MarkBastard

    Credit Card Scammed...

    Interesting thread. I would assume a sponsor hasn't been deliberately mischievous, so we'll make the assumption they have a vulnerability in their site that they are not aware of. Let's help them with this.
  14. MarkBastard

    Brisbane: Free 20l Cubes

    I have 4 20L Craftbrewer cubes that I stupidly didn't clean out immediately after using them. They've been sealed, but no doubt are crusty as all hell. I'm gunna just buy some more FWK's rather than clean these cubes so if anyone wants them they can have them, otherwise they go in the bin.
  15. MarkBastard

    Coopers- What Gives?

    LOL sounds like Bribie G's wet dream.
  16. MarkBastard

    Aldi Cooler

    Wow, a 9L keg would fit nicely in that.
  17. MarkBastard

    Are Smoke Detectors Required In Australia?

    Everyone I know with them ends up turning them off because of the following reasons 1 - Near a kitchen, goes off when you open the oven door or cook a steak. Frigging annoying. 2 - Run out of batteries and chirp and wake you up. 3 - Have loose contacts or something, so despite having a full...
  18. MarkBastard

    Coopers- What Gives?

    I think it's a shame that Coopers don't innovate on what it means to make an Australian ale. For example Coopers should have done Stone & Wood Pacific Ale before Stone & Wood even came into existence.
  19. MarkBastard

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    Just ordered a few different packs. The free shipping plus using my 28 degrees mastercard (no currency conversion fees plus good currency conversion rates) meant that this was a bargain! REF DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE COST...
  20. MarkBastard

    What Has Been Your Longest Run Of Afd's

    I binge drink occasionally. Rarely drink every day, not even one beer. Longest I've gone without a single drink would have been a few months. And it wasn't because I was trying or anything. Just didn't do it. On a typical night where I do drink I'd be looking at around 12 schooners or more...