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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. MarkBastard

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    Yeah I haven't got mine yet either. No hurry for me.
  2. MarkBastard

    S-189 lager yeasts at Ale temps

    If someone followed your brewing instructions, left their pot on their garage floor overnight, and got an infection that made their beer taste like pine'o'clean and called you an idiot what would you think? Make sure you tell PU that they're doing it wrong with their mashing techniques as well...
  3. MarkBastard

    S-189 lager yeasts at Ale temps

    Exactly. If it's true (I believe it is as I've sampled their lagers), then it's really handy information for home brewers. You can get away with higher temps, less fermenting and lagering time, and less yeast! Some people will like that and it may make them more likely to actually make lagers.
  4. MarkBastard

    S-189 lager yeasts at Ale temps

    This thread is hilarious because it's a total role reversal. Nick JD, the pioneer of breaking rules and doing whatever to make beer easily is getting his back up about not fermenting yeast at an ideal temperature. I normally tend to take Nick JD's side because he puts theory and ******** aside...
  5. MarkBastard

    Corny Keg - Rusty Weld?

    Take it back and headbutt the guy that sold it to you
  6. MarkBastard

    Filtering Beer & The Fart Issues

    Is there a reason why roast vegies do that but steamed / boiled don't?
  7. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    Only people from SA (the land that time forgot) still use the word 'feral' hahaha.
  8. MarkBastard

    Unsure If Keg Setup Is Unbalanced Or Over/under Carbed

    Get the thinnest line you can, usually the thinnest practical line is 8mm outer diametre 5mm inner diametre. Get beer line too, not sure if ENZED stock that?
  9. MarkBastard

    Unsure If Keg Setup Is Unbalanced Or Over/under Carbed

    Sounds like you answered your own question.
  10. MarkBastard

    Unsure If Keg Setup Is Unbalanced Or Over/under Carbed

    It definitely sounds like you overcarbed, just going off the method above. Getting carbonation right is easy, however the problem is people rarely explain how to do it right. The first thing is what temperature are you serving at. This is really really important. The second thing is desired...
  11. MarkBastard

    My Opinion Is That Rudd Is A Ferral

    The illusion of democracy is very important to keep people in the dark. The theatre of politics aids with this illusion.
  12. MarkBastard

    Free Craft Glasses At Bws!

    My favourite glasses are the straight sided schooner glasses that Fat Yak and James Squire use. The pint versions are great too, they're used a lot in America. I have a lot of glasses in my collection and always choose these ones first.
  13. MarkBastard

    Thoughts Re Coffee Urn - No Chill

    I have concealed with no issues however others do have issues so be careful I guess. I would recommend 40L urns with BIAB from the get go. I'd also recommend ~21L cubes for your no-chill as 15L is a bit small. Where are you located?
  14. MarkBastard

    Again Free Shipping Costs at BelgianSHop

    Haven't got mine yet, not holding my breath. Free shipping, it comes when it comes.
  15. MarkBastard

    February It Is

    What happened to the thread about not wanking during Feb? I'm still going strong!
  16. MarkBastard

    Biab:getting The Wort Out Of A Hanging Bag.

    For what it's worth, before I had a craft brewer bag I had a gryphon bag and the same thing happened (wort pooling above the grain). There is no way in hell squeezing the bag extracts tannins. It definitely does extract some things you may not want in your beer though, dust or whatever very...
  17. MarkBastard

    Best Pub Sign Ever

  18. MarkBastard

    Matilda Bay - Pull Your Finger Out

    I can store it for you if it comes to that In a room that's relatively cool (under 30 degrees anyway and probably averages 25)