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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. emnpaul

    How Crap Is Crown!

    Perhaps then we should respect the brewer and not the brew. Well done Thirsty Boy. I take my hat off to you, Sir.
  2. emnpaul

    How Crap Is Crown!

    I'm guessing I tasted it after the recipe change. At that time, 2003, I'd have said it was about the same IBU as Spewies New. I also didn't brew or know what real beer was supposed to taste like. Being a tourist I approached the situation with a when in Rome phillosophy and thougt EB was the...
  3. emnpaul

    How Crap Is Crown!

    Silo Ted? No. 'Fraid not.
  4. emnpaul

    How Crap Is Crown!

    Easy Tiger. Actually I wasn't having a stab at all. I remember back on my honeymoon, going through about 3 jugs while sitting in the sun outside the pub on Rotto waiting for the ferry back to Freo and thinking "wouldn't call it nectar of the gods, but it goes down alright in this heat". A dry...
  5. emnpaul

    How Crap Is Crown!

    Are you talking about that flavour BribieG calls "Mouse Plague"? I find that to be far and away the most objectionable thing about Aussie beers.
  6. emnpaul

    How Crap Is Crown!

    Why do these sorts of threads always remind me of this: Homer: Have a Duff, boys! . . Fritz: Thank you. My English is not perfect, butI have to tell youyour beer is like *swill* to us. Do I have zat right? I'm saying zat only a swine vould drink zis beer? Edit: And for what it's worth if I...
  7. emnpaul

    Dusseldorf Altbier Recipe Check

    Thanks for the replies. I appreciate your feedback.
  8. emnpaul

    Dusseldorf Altbier Recipe Check

    Has anyone tried WLP011 European Ale in an Alt? Whitelabs' yeast chart claims suitability for style but I'm after a bit of feedback before I comit.
  9. emnpaul

    Lesser Of Two Evils? Opinions Appreciated.

    180g is too much for all but the fizziest styles. Try this priming calculator: and try e-bay or catch of the day for some cheap electronic scales. Mine were less than 10 bucks delivered and go up to 650g in increments of 0.1g. I tried...
  10. emnpaul

    Lesser Of Two Evils? Opinions Appreciated.

    Leave it till you get back. I regularly leave my ales 3 weeks in the fermenter with good effect.
  11. emnpaul

    How Crap Is Crown!

    You already said you drank VB Gold. Is there another kind of cats piss I don't know about? :icon_cheers:
  12. emnpaul

    How Crap Is Crown!

    No. It doesn't deserve anyone's respect.
  13. emnpaul

    Urn Additions

    Some rope to hoist your bag with. About 4 metres should give you enough to run through your pulley/s and tie off but depends on your set up.
  14. emnpaul

    How Not To Store Your Stirbar

    Way off topic but, if you haven't already then check this out.
  15. emnpaul

    Chest Freezer Is Always Running

    Low current reading (0.15A) with a coolish motor and warm inside the freezer points to no refridgerant. I think remove your temp control, collar and kegging stuff then give the store a call and claim warranty. Just be sure to keep your kegs and brew gear out of sight if they come out for a looksee.
  16. emnpaul

    When To Add The Funk?

    Zainassheff says 1020 or there abouts in Brewing Classic Styles. Reason being at 1020 there is still enough sweetness to fire the bugs without them going mental and making an overly sour beer. This working it's way up my list of things to do but as yet untried so happy to be corrected. By no...
  17. emnpaul

    How Good Is This?

    Aren't Darren and Speedie the same dude? In which case Darren would be in the sack with Darren's hand. :unsure:
  18. emnpaul

    You Know It's Going To Be An Awesome Weekend...

    I know. I bought half a kilo. :beerbang:
  19. emnpaul

    You Know It's Going To Be An Awesome Weekend...

    I went in a bulk buy with another forum member recently and was told "a couple of days" for delivery (Newcastle). After eight days or so he rang them up and the order hadn't been packed yet. Then they turned up two days later. <_< Why don't you give them a call? I must say, they were fresh...