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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. emnpaul

    Belgian Pale Ale

    Certainly not essential. In my opinion the most dispensable step when step mashing.
  2. emnpaul

    Belgian Pale Ale

    You will be pushing "it" uphill with a pointy stick to get to 78 for mashout using the infusion mashing technique. This is where decoction comes in really handy. I'm hesitant to explain how, in case I'm not doing it right, but it's worth looking into if you're esky mashing and have you heart set...
  3. emnpaul

    An Evening With Chuck Hahn

    Ever seen weekend at Bernie's?
  4. emnpaul

    Stc Wiring Diagram For Hlt Element?

    I'm sick to death of the changes too. Just as a point of trivia and full O.T. it's now 230V +10 or -5%. Edit: Scott, make sure your HLT (I'm assuming it's metal) is SECURELY EARTHED. Don't rely on the earthed sheath of your element to do it for you, especially if using a compression washer...
  5. emnpaul

    Stc Wiring Diagram For Hlt Element?

    Bootlace pins will solve your problem regarding flyaway strands and are the preferred alternative for terminals when panel wiring. Add the cost of crimpers and pins to your STC-1000 and it's getting out of hand though, so just twist the wires up neatly and you'll be sweet. If you can't twist...
  6. emnpaul

    Brewing According To Me

    Pissing myself. :lol: You know that glazed look in your missus' eyes when you try to talk to her about hops and spec malt? Yeah, you know the one. Turns out what she's actually hearing is blah blah, herbs, blah blah, spices, beer tastes good, blah blah blah and what she's actually thinking is...
  7. emnpaul

    No Chill Divide And Conquer

    Not sure to what extent hop utilisation will drop off, that would depend on the size of the cube, but there has to be a quicker drop in temperature in a smaller cube. Greater surface area:volume ratio = faster heat dissipation.
  8. emnpaul

    No Chill Divide And Conquer

    If you started with a clean cube (and by clean I mean a good soak in nappy san, shake and rinse) then ran some Starsan through it to sanitise, wouldn't the wort temperature and rate of cooling be rendered irrelevant? @ bum: It's a new day, punctuation is back on. :P
  9. emnpaul

    Dms And Boil

    True that. Lighter malts i.e. pils malt, also produce more DMS than darker ones like ale and munich.
  10. emnpaul

    Stc 1000 12v Did I Get The Wrong One?

    The beer hunter, Nick JD.
  11. emnpaul

    Mark's Home Brew Opening Hours

    And make sure you lock your car, don't step on any syringes and avoid eye contact with the "girls".
  12. emnpaul

    RecipeDB - Batz Kaffir Lime Pale Ale

    If you should happen to be at your local nursery, admiring the various strains of citrus available and a couple of kaffir lime leaves should accidentally fall into your pocket while you were looking the other way, that wouldn't be stealing would it? :ph34r:
  13. emnpaul

    I Pushed My Crown Urn A Bit Too Hard Today

    6 Litres white home brand white vinegar. Boil 10 mins. Check for shininess. If shininess factor = 0, boil longer. Otherwise try spraying with straight starsan and leaving over night.
  14. emnpaul

    2012 Hop Plantations

    BPH87, do you mean died as in turned brown and shriveled or mysteriously disappeared? Probably not news to you but worth mentioning I think. Slugs, snails, grasshoppers and well, pretty much everything loves hop shoots. Also what Gunbrew said. Too much fertiliser/manure perhaps. Not sure about...
  15. emnpaul

    2012 Hop Plantations

    POR I got from Tony is powering.
  16. emnpaul

    If There Was Only One ?

    Ah, I now realise my mistake. Very funny. :lol:
  17. emnpaul

    If There Was Only One ?

    Jenna Jameson. Why risk it, just grab one that you know is pure filth. PS. Couldn't find a picture that would not get me banned. PPS. Weyermann Vienna is nice. Edit: Sorry, I seem to have mistaken this thread for "If I was stranded on a dessert island...:
  18. emnpaul

    Chubb Fire Extinguisher Adaotor?

    Hey Kelby, If you're still looking for valves and thread adaptors etc. you could try a mob called Nova Distributors at Lambton. A workmate got some valves and fittings for his 3V system from there and swears by them. No personal experience with them as such, but they come highly recommended...
  19. emnpaul

    Ag Mid Strength/light Beers

    Make this recipe your friend. :beerbang:;recipe=1205
  20. emnpaul

    Help With Brew Mate

    I'm not sure I completely understand your problem but I'll try to help. If you are increasing your volume of grain from 1.4 to 1.76kg you also need to increase your volume of water for mash in and a sparge or step addition volume increase won't hurt either. Knowing how much to increase your...