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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. keifer33

    Can I rip the freezer section out of this?

    I use a similar small bar fridge for my fermenting (Almost looks identical to the first picture you posted prior to modification - Westinghouse 140). I found the hump isn't so much of an issue if you can raise the fermenter slightly and towards the door more. I hacked a section off the the door...
  2. keifer33

    stc 1000+

    Thanks for the link. My eBay supplier went missing so good to have a link to another correct supplier.
  3. keifer33

    Drilling through fermentation fridge

    Yeah mate have had it for over 4 years and has been super handy. Its had a such a varied life being a fermentation fridge, keg fridge, bottle fridge etc (they fit 2 kegs easily, a 30Lt fermenter, 2 x 10lt jerry cans.) I will no doubt end up with another at some point if the old fridge ive got...
  4. keifer33

    Drilling through fermentation fridge

    I have the same fridge and you can remove the 2 plastic clips located on the top of the unit towards the back. Then just unscrew and remove the plastic top. From there you can easily cut back a bit of the insulation and drill through the top as there are no coolant lines etc. When you go to put...
  5. keifer33

    My micro brewery dream

    Absolutely awesome! Great write up and best of luck with your venture. Shame not knowing about it sooner as I could have offered up BCA/Private Cert services
  6. keifer33

    Craft Beer Bars: Perth CBD

    Definitely hit up DTC in Vic Park. It's a short walk from the Train station or the Vic Park bus transfer station. Alot of 1keg only beers including sours/wild beers.
  7. keifer33

    My AG setup.

    OnlineBrewingSupplies has a good range of elements with different fitment options incl weldless. Might be worth checking out -
  8. keifer33

    Christmas in July 2015 Lotto

    1. Topher 2. Topher 3. Topher 4.Judanero 5. schoey 6. Luggy 7. michaeld16 8. michaeld16 9. schoey 10. Grainer 11. DJ_L3THAL 12. Wee Jimmy 13. Paulyman 14. Grainer 15. Robv 16. schoey 17. Beersuit 18 19. 20. mosto 21. Beersuit 22. 23. Grott 24. 25. 26. keifer33 27. Mudd 28. 29. Paulyman 30. 31...
  9. keifer33

    Christmas in July 2015 Lotto

    1. Topher 2. Topher 3. Topher 4. 5. 6. Luggy 7. michaeld16 8. michaeld16 9. 10. Grainer 11. DJ_L3THAL 12. Wee Jimmy 13. Paulyman 14. Grainer 15. Robv 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Grott 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Paulyman 30. 31. 32. Robv 33. keifer33 34. DJ_L3THAL 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40...
  10. keifer33

    2014 Western Australian State Amateur Brewers Competition (WASABC) –

    It is Spohaw. The dates are Sept 5-6 currently so Id expect drop off to be late August so get brewing :) I think the website is going to be updated soon.
  11. keifer33

    It was a dark and stormy night. WA Winter 2015 case swap.

    1. Neander - Robust Porter 2. Jono1492 - Oak Aged Coffee Milk Stout(for now) 3. James nvs - possibly oak aged brown 4. Dent - probably some porter 5. Major Arcana - probably an oatmeal 6. Jyo - Black AIPA or macadamia cookies and cream Wit. 7. spoonta - ris 8. Pat Doherty - ? 9. Amanda G - Irish...
  12. keifer33

    Pubs in Perth and Freo

    The Old Faithful in Perth is a good spot for Meat and Beer. They normally have a few Feral Beers on tap and with slow cooked meat on hand its always a tasty outing. Sail and Anchor has gone downhill a bit and I prefer Bob's Bar in the City (managed by an ex-Sail and Anchor employee). If your in...
  13. keifer33

    It was a dark and stormy night. WA Winter 2015 case swap.

    1. Neander - Robust Porter 2. Jono1492 - Oak Aged Coffee Milk Stout(for now) 3. James nvs - A darker shade of ale - barrel aged porter (labelled with red caps) 4. Dent - probably some porter 5. Major Arcana - probably an oatmeal 6. Jyo - Black AIPA or macadamia cookies and cream Wit. 7. spoonta...
  14. keifer33

    SW WA brew trip advice

    Plenty along the way. My favourites to visit in no certain order Eagle Bay Brewing Colonial Brewing Bootleg Brewing Cheeky Monkey There is also Cape Bouveard in Mandurah but I haven't been there before.
  15. keifer33

    Sail & Anchor Pale Ale

    Hate to tell you but its still Woolworths owned and more than likely brewed at Gage. Appears to be an attempt at rebranding away from the confusing monkey theme.
  16. keifer33

    Is my little brown pump... THE little brown pump?

    Looks very similar to the other LBPs I've seen and owned.
  17. keifer33

    BK and HLT - Make or Buy?

    Building your own is my vote if you are at all handy. Its pretty satisfying knowing you put it all together. I would inspect the pots and do a fill with water before you alter them as I had one a few years ago leak around the handles and it was all too late once there was 3 holes in it.
  18. keifer33

    Christmas Lotto 2014

    Glad you enjoyed it Kumatomo. The hop was Ahtanum.
  19. keifer33

    Pimp your STC-1000 and program fermentation profiles....

    I use one on one of my fermentation fridges but haven't brewed a full on Belgian to test out its ramping capabilites but its pretty handy once its all running.