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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. MCHammo

    What flavour beer do you like?(APA, IPA, or Belgium Dubel etc)

    I've been brewing for about a year now. In that time, I would have spent at least twice as much in the name of beer as in the last half dozen years. No regrets.
  2. MCHammo

    What flavour beer do you like?(APA, IPA, or Belgium Dubel etc)

    All winter, I was drinking nothing but porters, with the occasional Belgian thrown in. With the warmer weather coming on, I've been taking more to APAs, Pilseners, with the occasional GB or dry cider. I always match with food, though. Does it make me a bad person if I choose the food based off...
  3. MCHammo

    Wanted: Small Fermentation Fridge (Sydney)

    Looking for a small fermentation fridge, suitable for a single bunnings fermenter. The fermenter needs at least a 350w x 350d x 500h envelope to fit. I don't have the space or need for a large fridge - also looking for something on the cheap - although free is always better (uni student and...
  4. MCHammo

    Basic BIAB. Hit me with ideas

    My second brew was a pretty simple one (Much simpler than the first - one that I probably should have started with) - a basic Pale Ale. Something like 95% Ale, 5% medium crystal. NS and Cascade in the boil, dry hopped with a bit of cascade. Bloody beautiful beer. Need to make another soon -...
  5. MCHammo

    Aldi specials

    I grabbed the last of those Oktoberfest beer packs at my local Aldi the other day. All four beers are excellent. I was a torn between the Hofbräu and the Hacker-Pschorr. I would need to drink more to be sure.
  6. MCHammo

    Getting very close to AG...

    Nice work! Sounds like a great platform to build from. Keep it up.
  7. MCHammo

    All Grain Ginger Beer

    Not a lot of feedback as yet. I tried one the other night, but it was still a bit green. From what I can remember, it was not really any sweeter, but had more body to it. This was discussed a bit more here. It was different from other ginger beers I've made before, probably due to the grain and...
  8. MCHammo

    Stir-Bar bulk buy anyone?

    Missed this post... Probably ok. I dare say that it would use pwm or dc-dc conversion if it is 8A tolerant. In any case, its ratings are above the specs required, so should be fine.
  9. MCHammo

    Stir-Bar bulk buy anyone?

    The issue lies in what happens to the power. Drew is more or less right about the ratios, and resistance of the pot & armature resistance of the fan. Here's the situation: we have a fan, that runs of voltage V1 (I assume it's a computer fan --> V1 = 12V). We want to control the speed of this...
  10. MCHammo

    Stir-Bar bulk buy anyone?

    25R 3W? Those are some weird specs. What exactly do you need one (or three) for? You might find that sort of thing very hard to come by - if they even exist. Depending on how you set it up, you should be able to throw a resistor in parallel around the pot (provided that you know what connections...
  11. MCHammo

    Stir-Bar bulk buy anyone?

    Got mine today, thanks for the putting in all the work, Stienberg! The 35mm bars rock, exactly the right size for my DIY stirplate. For the first time, I've been able to run it up to full speed without throwing off the bar. Now to plan the next beer, so I can get these bad boys to work... :D
  12. MCHammo

    Basic beginners Ginger Beer

    I tried a partial galangal sub on my last ginger beer, probably about 300-500g. It killed the flavour... totally. Try it if you must, but I will never do it again, I find mine to be almost undrinkable. It's ok warm (room temp) with a wedge of lime in it, but otherwise that experiment (for me)...
  13. MCHammo

    And yet another first AG thread

    I have a light bodied APA ready to go in the bottle at the moment. In the fermenter, there was only a slight Cascade/NS flavour and aroma. Three days before bottling, I decided to throw in about 10g of cascade for a dry hop. That made a world of difference - so much delicious cascade flavour...
  14. MCHammo

    website deals of the day

    I quite liked the $25 9kg gas bottle.
  15. MCHammo

    70 deg mash temp more unfermentable sugars?

    If I was kegging my GB, I could just use campden tablets/some other way of killing yeast, and force carb. That was not the point of this experiment. Not owning a keg makes it not so simple.
  16. MCHammo

    Castle Hill Home brew Competition 2013

    Thanks again to everyone involved. Looking forward to grabbing my feedback. As a new brewer, this is exactly the sort of information I crave, to get me headed in the right direction from the start :) Hopefully, I can make it along next year to help out.
  17. MCHammo

    website deals of the day

    I think last time it was $169 with the 38L. Still, good deal. Mine has been working great.
  18. MCHammo

    Grain mill BB once again

    1) s_t_r_o_b_e/SimoB - Vic 2) Damn/ Vic.....I can pick mine up. 3) Donske 4) DAC 5) tcc 6) timmi9191 7) Lord Raja Goomba I 8) zimbalist 9) RobjF 10) kpaxy444 11) Albainian 12) Darryl 13) reegs210 (ACT) 14) sipahono 15) Shmang (NSW) (If we are doing postage) 16) Meathead I'll take my name out...
  19. MCHammo

    Tight Arse Stir Plate

    It probably has been covered, but you can forgive someone for not reading through 40-odd pages. I posted incomplete specs for my design on the previous page. I've updated them (filled in the blanks, everything is a little neater now), and produced a new board layout - one optimised for a...
  20. MCHammo

    Substitue for american 2 row

    I know that The Brewshop stocks Castle 6-row. Unless you meant that we don't get any US 6-row...