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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. MCHammo

    Experiment on sweetness of non-fermentables

    I've tried the high temp mash in a GB. I'm not convinced that it made any difference at all, except increasing the mouth feel slightly (and not really something I wanted anyway). I'm thinking the best way to do a slightly sweeter ginger beer would be to add some pear juice/sorbitol. As an...
  2. MCHammo

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    I planted some chilli seeds at the wrong time of the year (some time in autumn I suppose). Half a dozen came up and struggled through winter. Once the warm weather hit a few weeks back, they shot up and are producing fruit right now. I think I've got Jalapeños and birds eyes growing (none of my...
  3. MCHammo

    can you make saw dust into beer?

    Mmm. Wood flavoured beer. How about an APA with piney citrusy hops, along with piney citrusy fermentables?
  4. MCHammo

    Whats In The Glass

    Vienna Lager. Matured nicely over the last few months. Might have gone even better in the state comp at this age ;)
  5. MCHammo

    Swiss Lager At 19 Degrees, Is This Possible?

    At first I thought you may have been genuinely confused, as Switzerland isn't anywhere near Scandinavia (or Denmark). Sweden is, and some people do confuse them. That last post was in jest.
  6. MCHammo

    Swiss Lager At 19 Degrees, Is This Possible?

    I suppose so. There's only 1000-2500km, a few countries, a sea and a dozen langues separating them. :huh:
  7. MCHammo

    Swiss Lager At 19 Degrees, Is This Possible?

    Are you confusing Switzerland with Sweden?
  8. MCHammo

    Mosaic APA

    so that leaves me with roughly 22 cascade @ 40 15 IBU 27 mosaic @ flameout 20 IBU (10 min calc) 30 mosaic @ whirlpool 15 IBU I'm getting a little confused pulling things from different sources, calculating different time additions, etc... but this sounds like good numbers. And when I said 3...
  9. MCHammo

    Mosaic APA

    So you think something like: 30g cascade @ 40 mins 15 IBU 40g mosaic @ 20 mins 27.6 IBU 30g mosaic @ 0 mins 10g cascade @ 3 days 10g mosaic @ 3 days This will be no chilled, so I expect a bit more bitterness. Too much perhaps? Ed: I wish beersmith had a no chill adjustment. Brewmate reckons...
  10. MCHammo

    Mosaic APA

    I'm sure that would be delicious! I was just wondering if (based on others experience with mosaic) it would benefit from a bit of dry hopping (which I have seen a lot of with mosaic) or in combination with something else (reportedly good with cascade, and others). Definitely a good starting...
  11. MCHammo

    Mosaic APA

    I've got some of Yob's finest mosaic hops en route at the moment, and I don't want to waste too much time before trying them out. I think I'll need a bit of a helping hand getting a basic hopping regime sorted out. I'm looking at making a nice hoppy APA with a fair bit of mosaic in it (up to...
  12. MCHammo

    Internet speeds. What do you get?

    About 3km from local exchange line of sight. Estimated 5km by copper, on Optus ADSL2+ (apparently) 2.84 Mbps down, 0.55 Mbps up, 47ms ping Sitting in the same spot with my phone, on Vodafone 3G HSPA connection 6.15 Mbps down, 3.38 Mbps up, 37ms ping Half the time I don't even bother...
  13. MCHammo

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    First ever Hop Hog tonight. Wow. Now I know what all the fuss is about.
  14. MCHammo

    AG ferments sticking

    What sort of time frame are we talking about? I've only done one lager. That went off like mad, dropping from 1.050 to 1.025 odd in about 3 days. It took another couple of weeks to drop to 1.016. Maybe I was doing something wrong (first beer and all), but it got there in the end. How long have...
  15. MCHammo

    Fermentation Fridge Quandary

    One of the mods I want to perform is to replace the thermostat with my own temp controller. Will switch the fridge on and off the same way the thermostat does, but using my own microcontroller, temp probe, etc. No more STC1000 then. Could easily run different temperature profiles automatically...
  16. MCHammo

    Fermentation Fridge Quandary

    My fridge was doing the same thing when I got it a few weeks ago. Got down to 12C in no time at all, then took several hours more to hit 8C, and about another day to hit 4. On about the third or fourth day it managed to hit zero. It's entirely likely that it was overheating and needed a rest, or...
  17. MCHammo

    Hoppy beers

    Silly question... Are the hops you're using relatively aromatic? And are they relatively fresh?
  18. MCHammo

    Maltodextrin in ginger beer

    I would suggest, if you can, split up the batch before making any additions. Try it with a few different quantities of pear juice, or whatever else you try. Label them, and note the quantities, so you know how much you prefer, etc. And report back if you have good results.
  19. MCHammo

    Maltodextrin in ginger beer

    Currently trying to determine if there are any normal ingredients that provide enough non-fermentables to result in a bit of sweetness in the finished GB (eg: Maltodex, High temp mash, crystal, etc). Let us...
  20. MCHammo

    Maltodextrin in ginger beer

    I've never bothered peeling my ginger. I give it a good wash, cut/peel any dried ends and flaky skin, and blitz the whole lot. The skin still adds flavour, and a bit of colour. As long as you have a method of filtering it out of the bottles, as the skin floats (I tie up my ginger pulp in a...