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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. squirt in the turns

    ...About to abort.

    coalminecanary, what was your recipe, including the yeast strain? You say it's your second batch, and first AG, so it's unlikely, but if you were ambitious and made (for example) a Russian Imperial Stout with an O.G. of 1.100, then an F.G. of 1.025 would be fine. Also, what temperature did you...
  2. squirt in the turns

    immersion chilling then no-chil

    Could work, but what you're basically doing is bringing the wort down to the perfect temperature for bacterial infection and then leaving it for hours before inoculating it with yeast. Many brewers do this successfully (e.g. using a chiller to get to tap water temps, then refrigerating to get to...
  3. squirt in the turns

    Pope Drinking Water Hose?

    I've been using it for ages and never had any issues.
  4. squirt in the turns

    Homemade FV help

    If you go with the ball valves, do not use unplated brass ones as brass, like copper, will react with the beer (which has a far lower PH than water), potentially leaching off flavours and harmful chemicals. Chrome plated should be ok. Stainless would be better still. Another problem with ball...
  5. squirt in the turns

    Fermentation Freezer constantly working

    Firstly, why did you cold-crash a hefe? It is in your interest to keep yeast in suspension with that style. From your description it sounds like the tap is taking some of the weight of the FV. If this is the case, count yourself lucky that you only lost 1.5 L instead of the tap popping out...
  6. squirt in the turns

    Pressure reading during carbonation of a keg

    Sounds like the regulator might have a fault. I've had the opposite problem where the pressure gradually crept up. In my case it must have bee a bad seal in the reg itself. Retailer (Craftbrewer) replaced it under warranty. Not sure exactly what kind of fault would explain your situation though...
  7. squirt in the turns

    Naming your home brewery

    That just makes the name better. Definitely. I usually jokingly call mine the Sticky Floor Brewery. I know we all have brewday spills, but I'm pretty sure I lose an abnormal amount of wort. Anyway, after a recent accident, I might have to officially name it the Sticky Ceiling Brewery.
  8. squirt in the turns

    No-sparge brewing

    Why not try batch sparging? Less stuffing about than fly sparging with either your copper coil or current jug method, and although you'll likely drop a few percentage points in efficiency (which you kind of imply is important to you), the penalty is probably not going to be as great as the...
  9. squirt in the turns

    Cold break

    I do this (using a plate chiller), whirlpooling while I chill. Part of my original thinking was that my trub cone would include hot and cold break, but guess what? Cold break doesn't settle - at least not in the 30 mins I tried waiting for it to happen with the wort at 9 degrees. I thought my...
  10. squirt in the turns

    High final gravity?

    Make sure your hydrometer reads 1.000 in water at approx 20°C and adjust accordingly if it's out. Your reading of 1.020 seems a bit high. Regardless, if you were bottling it more caution would be warranted but as you're kegging, risk of explosions is pretty much nil. So if it tastes finished and...
  11. squirt in the turns

    How I clean my plate chiller

    Would recirculating hot caustic soda do the trick to remove just about everything? I agree, with the fact that we're unable to disassemble our plate chillers, we can never be certain that they don't harbour all sorts of permanent deposits of trub crap. My regime is similar to Fat Bastard's...
  12. squirt in the turns

    Show us your brewrig

    I'll just throw this out there again: (full) 50 litre kegs for sale: I'm keen but don't need 6. Might help out a few brewers who have posted here about kegs (plus myself obviously :D ) I questioned the legality of owning...
  13. squirt in the turns

    Oops! ...I did it again

    Cheers all. Haha, sorry to disappoint. There was plenty of blood, no time for photos unfortunately. The wort was already cold and the vacuum formed, so I think it was just handling it that caused the integrity of the glass to fail, more than any temperature difference caused by my hands. The...
  14. squirt in the turns

    Oops! ...I did it again

    Some members of this forum are already familiar with this tale of implosion and heartache. One would think, after that experience, that I would have learned my lesson. Yes, I did re-read the title I gave that original thread and appreciate the irony. Yesterday I was preparing a 5 litres of wort...
  15. squirt in the turns

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Those kegs - presumably they'd legally belong to the buyer along with their contents? I'd be in the market for 1 for a mash tun upgrade, and maybe more for other purposes, Anyone else keen on going in together and trying to snag one of those lots? Edit: The lot Feldon refers to only contains 1...
  16. squirt in the turns

    Burleigh Brewing Hasslehop Review NEW!

    Have only had it on tap at the brewery. Both flavour and aroma were excellent and intense. Will have to grab a bottle next time I have a chance, but I've been told by those that have tried it both on tap and from the bottle that the bottled version is a little lacking comparatively, though I'm...
  17. squirt in the turns

    Beer in poetry, song and film

    A bad brewer always blames his country? :ph34r: