You will probably use a lot less water than an immersion chiller . I currently whirlpool with my immersion chiller to get it as close to pitching temp as I can and go through nearly 100lt of water. With the counter flow you will use a lot less water and it will be quicker . If anything I would...
Thanks Adr_0 I am greatfull that we have an electronics wizard like yourself on this site . I have approx 5mt of copper coil in my 7.5lt pot and am heating it with a 2400W immersion heater . The question is ,I have a difference between the liquid out into the mash tun @ 67.7* it is 1* under...
Did you see any foaming on top ? Is there a crusty looking ring around the inside of the fermenter ? If there was and is its probably finished fermenting .
I like the Coopers IPA kit . I usually add another 2 - 3 kg of malt mash it for an hour ( I just put it in my 19lt pot and stick it the oven for an hour and then mash out and sparge ) I mix the wort with the Coopers can and then proceed to boil adding hops as I go . Once in the fermenter I...
I get silly readings from time to time , until someone told me that it was undissolved malt coming out of the tap . So now I stir the crap out of the wort and most times I get a proper reading .
As SBOB said take the rubber o-ring off from under the lid . Now you have a giant elastic ( Rubber ) band now cover the hole with glad wrap and hold the glad wrap on by stretching the rubber band over the rim .