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  1. H

    Herms for beginners

    I agree it does go into some detail but I set my mash temp for say 66*C and my probe is at the outlet of the HEX . The wort reaches 66*C and the mash is lagging a few degrees but I am not interested in the mash temp , as you pointed out I am targeting the enzymes so I don't need the wort to be a...
  2. H

    Herms for beginners

    You need a pot anywhere from a couple of liters up to 50 liters . My pot is 7.5 lt with 3mtrs of half inch cooper pipe in it with an inlet from the pump and an outlet with a hose attached that goes to the mash tun . My heating element is a cheap chinese immersion element ( works a treat )...
  3. H

    What are you Brewing - 2018

    Making a pale ale on saturday keeping it simple 60% wheat 40% pale Mash @ 65*C for 1hr 30gms Loral @ 60 mins 20gms Galaxy @ 12 mins 30gms @ 2 mins US 05
  4. H

    Using wheat as a specialty grain in a pale ale

    I just marvelled at the tenacity that you had to make beer with what you had oh and the cut hand when you built your mash tun .It doesn't have to be sophisticated as long as it makes beer . I started with a 35 lt esky and a keg it still made beer and good beer at that .
  5. H

    Using wheat as a specialty grain in a pale ale

    Yeah and may I ask what type of burner or BBQ's you used for your all grain brew:fallingoffchair:
  6. H

    My New Brewshed

    Hate to see something with a slightly larger footprint , you would have had to build the brewery around it :phew:
  7. H

    My New Brewshed

    I spose you need a bigger brew stand built now for the bigger area .:bigcheers:
  8. H

    brew gear cleanout, melb east.

    Just picked up the fermenter thanks Eggs . Now hopefully my brews won't be so infected .
  9. H

    Used wrong priming sugar and too much

    Cause he ran out of Brew enhancer 2
  10. H

    brew gear cleanout, melb east.

    Eggs your number you sent me has way too many digits in it can you send it again thanks
  11. H

    Suggestions on a Red IPA

    Typical isn't it .In your job you are still doing kids !
  12. H


    When I started brewing and packaging in bottles I used one teaspoon of sugar in each 500 ml bottle . When I bulk primed I use dextrose and weigh it . Carbonation depends on the style of beer and what you like eg high carbonation or lower carbonation like Manticle does . I like to use around 130...
  13. H

    Recovering after scorching

    Have to agree with the last two posts . Myself and a fellow brewer decided to make a Rye Ale ( 60% Rye Malt ) that was fun not . I boiled with my immersion element and the flour in the boil kettle was so high that it burnt the wort and even after a year or so bottled it still tasted burnt . Tip...
  14. H

    Australian Amateur Brewing Championship

    Sorry I should have put a date in .It was this years Vic Comp . The point I was making is that the feedback hasn't changed .It is only because that this person is well qualified as a BJCP and gave it a good appraisel that I put it into this years Vic comp . Over the last few months the club has...
  15. H

    Suggestions on a Red IPA

    With that amount of hops have you thought about a 60 min IPA ? Something along the lines of 10gms every 6 min
  16. H


    Not enough carbonation ? Too much ? need a bit more info .
  17. H

    Australian Amateur Brewing Championship

    And that is why I haven't had a beer in any competition for nearly 10yrs . I did enter my beer in the Vicbrew comp and got 5th place it was a red IPA one judge wrote "Mild ,Caramel and Fruity Hops , nothing particularly stands out " and another judge wrote " medium fruity aroma no malt aroma "...
  18. H

    brew gear cleanout, melb east.

    Eggs haven't heard a reply from you . Are these goods still for sale ?
  19. H

    brew gear cleanout, melb east.

    Nice I have only been able to get the one piece lid .
  20. H

    brew gear cleanout, melb east.

    Nah I don't think it is a two piece lid Pete has only had the one piece lids as far as I am aware of .