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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    Stainless Braided Hoses At Mash Temps

    Yep, I found that one when I searched, was referring to at boiling temps. I wouldnt be using it for that.
  2. K

    Stainless Braided Hoses At Mash Temps

    I am in the process of getting a herms setup together, and am looking at ways to connect my pump to it all. I have a brown pump which I will be using, and the threads are ideal for connecting using these hoses. Has anyone had any experience with using these at mash temps? I have tried...
  3. K

    Keg King Elements

    Just p[oking around on Uxcell, found this one which looks intersting as well! Could be good for a keggle setup
  4. K

    12 Volt 32 Amp Supplies

    Hi, I have two more of these available, they are from a HP server, and are ideal for powering a DC motor for your grain mill! Information on how to mod them for use as a supply in this link: These are un-modified, however they are known...
  5. K

    Where To Get Cheap Or Free Polystyrene?

    I have two coolerboxes about the size of a 50l esky here if anyone wants them. They have lids. I'm in campbelltown, just let me know when you want to come and I'll leave them out front....
  6. K

    Is Brass And Nickle Plated Gear A Big No No

    Interesting. Was that the only change made? Eg, are you still using any copper you may have been using before etc?
  7. K

    Electric Elements

    For a 2400w element, is there any reason to use an element like that rather than the elements from craftbrewer? They are the same wattage, and less than a third of the price? I'm obviously missing something, but I dont understand!
  8. K

    Free Ugly Drum Smoker - Sydney

    Thanks Jez! Cant wait to get this off you on Friday!
  9. K

    Free Ugly Drum Smoker - Sydney

    Definetly interested! Can I see some pics of it?
  10. K

    Can Cooler (or Something Similar)

    Bunnings maynot have the coolers, butyou can get the tub there! :) ok... that sounded funny in my head..... :)
  11. K

    Stainless Mesh False Bottom - Can It Be Too Fine?

    Thanks for the advice. I havent as yet cut the vessel, and will do it in such a way I can re-use the top as a fb. Those Fb'sd in the trhead have inspired me!
  12. K

    Stainless Mesh False Bottom - Can It Be Too Fine?

    Thats one thing I make sure of these days.... Since the toe VS Angle grinder incident. (luckily I had a grinding disk in there not a cutting disk at the time....)
  13. K

    Stainless Mesh False Bottom - Can It Be Too Fine?

    I like the look of that! I like it a lot!
  14. K

    Stainless Mesh False Bottom - Can It Be Too Fine?

    Campbelltown. Why's that?
  15. K

    Stainless Mesh False Bottom - Can It Be Too Fine?

    Thanks, was just looking for those pictures! was there any reason you cut the entire top off, rather than just the center?
  16. K

    Stainless Mesh False Bottom - Can It Be Too Fine?

    Good idea. I hadnt thought of that. Havent cut it yet, and might do that! I already own this and was wondering if I could use it! I will be using a brown pump to start with, but will upgrade to a march or similar when funds allow. The blockage issue is what I was concerned about
  17. K

    Stainless Mesh False Bottom - Can It Be Too Fine?

    I am building my mash tun out of a keg like vessel, and have a stainless Ikea splatter guard which I was going to make the false bottom out of. My concern is that the mesh may be too fine to get the required flow, as I will be using a herms system with it. The guard itself, is just the right...
  18. K

    Herms With An Esky

    I guess your right. I might clean up this esky and stick it on ebay then.... Get some more funds to go towards my brew rig!
  19. K

    Herms With An Esky

    Thanks, I know the esky will do well as far a traditional tun is concerned, I'm just wondering how it would go with a recirculating mash system.... I havent been able to find anyone who has been doing it. I thought there must be a reason which I cant think of why!
  20. K

    Herms With An Esky

    Hi, I am in the process of piecing together the bits to build a herms system. I was originally planning on using a stainless tun, but yesterday I found a 55l rectangular esky on a council cleanup pile. Nothing wrong with it that a good clean wont fix. I'm now planning to use the esky, as I...