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  1. K

    Motorised Monster Mill

    I gathered that! Dont mind me, I just have a twisted sense of humour. I blame my father. :)
  2. K

    Motorised Monster Mill

    LOL, thats something I havent been called in a while!
  3. K

    Motorised Monster Mill

    You cant see it, but there is actually quite a distance from the hole to the rollers. I'd have to be trying to get the finger in there, but yes, I will be getting a a paintbrush shortly to do it. The powersupply is a 17amp supply, it has no trouble at all.
  4. K

    Motorised Monster Mill

    Finanly got my mill just about finished today, really happy the way it turned out! Built the cabinet from mostly scrap / scrounged materials, motor from ebay, coupler from Jaycar, Old server power supply, coffee can hopper! Just need to mount the power supply, and get a switch. Video is of it...
  5. K

    Newbie : Temperature Control

    A mate of mine bought one of those by mistake and gave it to me to wire up for him. One thing to note is the contact were rated at 5amps, not the 10 that a stc-1000 is, and there is only one switched output on it.
  6. K

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    It's definitely getting clearer, just taking it's time. At the rate it's going, it will probably be another week or so before it's clear. Serves me right for not being carefull enough in moving it!
  7. K

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    I racked it that night into another demijohn, and it's been a week since then. I poured the last inch of murky liquid into a glass, mixed in a teaspoon of gelatin I had disolved in a little water, and stuck it in the fridge. I now have about a cm of beautifully clear mead sitting on top...
  8. K

    Keggle Heating Element

    Unless you have a 15amp outlet you wont be able to run the 3600w element. Your better off sticking with your plan of two 2200w elements, on two circuits.
  9. K

    Keggle Heating Element

    Unles you have 15amp (3600w) or 20 amp(4800w) dont bother, you wont be able to run them!
  10. K

    My New Bit Of Kit!

    You would switch the active, there are plenty of threads talking about the wiring of STC's, they are pretty easy to do.
  11. K


    We have one of those fridges here at work for the milk for the coffee machine. You wont fit one of those kegs in it, and it also struggles to keep the milk cold..... There's your solution! get rid of the storage box, and put a fridge in it's place! :)
  12. K

    Abinbev To Buy Sabmiller?
  13. K

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    I havent racked at all... It just cleared on it's own! I'd like to bottle it as soon as it's ready!
  14. K

    Jao The Ultimate Beginners Mead Recipe

    Well finanly after about 3 months my mead is ready... At least it was... DOH! I went down to my shed last night and looked at my mead, thought, what the heck is that refelction... realised I could see right through it! Carefully (obviously not carefully enough) carried it up to the house to...
  15. K


    If you dont have room for even one of those small mini bar fridges, then maybe now isnt the time for kegging for you. Maybe stick to bottles for now...
  16. K

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Are they any good? Tempting at that price!
  17. K


    I doubt one of those would work very well at all. I have had a play with a few of those fridges for use when travelling to keep my drinks cold, and they failed miserably. I dont think they would be much good as a keg fridge. I have seen mini bar fridges, something like this might be a better...
  18. K

    Anyone Used/made One Of These

    tell me the cartoon didnt fit. Go on, I dare's ya! :)
  19. K

    Mill Motors

    Yep thats the one....