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  1. Lurks

    How not to fit taps to your fridge

    Indeed, I was going to use some gap filler stuff but probably wont even bother to paint since blackboard vinyl sticker will go right over the top. Has to be filled because I might try to write something with chalk over the hole etc...
  2. Lurks

    How not to fit taps to your fridge

    Ah that line is non-permanent marker from when I decided to drill the holes properly. A piece of chalkboard vinyl is going to go over the whole area, covering up the fail hole.
  3. Lurks

    Fermenting on Hot Break?

    The link to the podcast mentioned earlier. (mp3) So the first thing that struck me was how our North American hosts were pronouncing trub as /tru:b/, rhyming with ****. So I went and looked it up. Turns out it's the German word for "lees" so, sure enough, this would be the correct pronunciation.
  4. Lurks

    How not to fit taps to your fridge

    Yes indeed, takeaway tub and some leftover magnets from a homemade stirplate. Still smells of Thai.
  5. Lurks

    How not to fit taps to your fridge

    Earlier I documented the omnishambles relating to the acquisition of a new fridge. Specifically how I wasted half a day disassembling and trouble shooting the fridge only to find that it was as simple as needing the damn egg tray mounted on the front door to switch the door sensor. Continuing...
  6. Lurks

    Fermenting on Hot Break?

    Since obviously what we need is another barely valid anecdote, I thought I'd chip in. When I started AG, I really wasn't sure quite sure about the whole break thing. I was also no-chilling. I pretty much tipped the lot into the fermenter. I made some excellent beers but I also had the only two...
  7. Lurks

    Coopers new style fermenter...

    Airlocks are the work of satan. I used like the Coopers fermenter but it sure takes up space and yeah, the tap is too high. Also, unlikely a jerry can or a cube, you can't just put the cap on and give it a shake to aerate your wort. I imagine the Coopers fermenter would be be quite helpful for...
  8. Lurks

    Belle Saison Dry Yeast

    The saison I brewed with Wyeast 3711 has come out predictably dry but surprisingly and pleasantly tart as well.
  9. Lurks

    Ghetto style bucket-in-bucket sort of thing with manual recirc. Just didn't like hauling up a big hot wet bag and waiting for it to drain, clean up was a bit messier too with BIAB.
  10. Lurks

    First foray into kegging

    Looking at the OP's linked KegKing chart, what's with the insistence that beer be refrigerated to 5c max? Is there really no hope for people that brew proper beer and would like to taste it?
  11. Lurks

    Danstar Belle Saison

    Lecterfan, ah fair enough! I'd do the same thing but I like the freedom of skipping a style, there's quite a few jars of various yeasts in the back of the fridge snoozing away. I don't really know anything about the generation aspect of yeast propagation. I thought it was generally a bad thing...
  12. Lurks

    Danstar Belle Saison

    Lecterfan, that's interesting to know. It's not like I think it's terrible or anything but I tasted a friend's saison, almost the same recipe as mine, but his was with 3724 and his was far more interesting. I'm kind of surprised that pitching a large volume of yeast cake makes it more...
  13. Lurks

    bready, yeasty, cardboard taste?

    Kind of sounds like yeast bite but it's not really clear from your process why that would happen. Single pack of US-05, hard to see how. it's not like you were using Coopers' super bread yeast or anything eh.
  14. Lurks

    Danstar Belle Saison

    Also interested in this yeast. That said, there's a big difference between the belgian and french saison strains (wyeast). So which one is this? Eg, is it a lazy bastard that wants 30+? That doesn't sound like they bill it, so is it the super pacman french one with the boring ester profile?
  15. Lurks

    The perils of being a meddler: Outfoxing yourself

    Frankly I don't find bottling particularly onerous, or that time consuming for that matter. That's a pretty small part of wanting to move to kegs. So sadly I can't really make the whole investment argument. Not when the missus has no job presently and I'm working two... mortgage trumps kegs...
  16. Lurks

    The perils of being a meddler: Outfoxing yourself

    Well I scored a gem with the fridge so here's hoping eh?
  17. Lurks

    The perils of being a meddler: Outfoxing yourself

    I hadn't really thought of kegs from gumtree, I'll keep an eye out! That said it's the CO2 bottle, regs and all that too... if only I had an over-abundance of kidneys to sell.
  18. Lurks

    The perils of being a meddler: Outfoxing yourself

    Bah, all this talk of kegs. You utter bastards, I'd love to keg. Well at least I've got the fridge for it now. Keg setup when I finish the phd maybe... they're quite a lot of baked beans. Mat.
  19. Lurks

    The perils of being a meddler: Outfoxing yourself

    I bought a second hand fridge for beer fermenting/conditioning. It's a total monster at 450L. Total bargain, it's only a couple of years old and cost me $240 off Gumtree and the bloke delivered it for a few notes more. I let it settle for a few hours and fire it up. It beeps at me gently to...
  20. Lurks

    How to improve your old man's home brew?

    Some good suggestions here. I'm currently of the mind that the best thing to do is just to introduce some sort of improvement. If there's some acceptance after that, then it opens the door to fancier stuff like proper extract brewing. I was thinking while up there, basically whipping up some...