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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. ryanator

    Glass Stress Lines

    Hi everyone, A couple of nights ago after drinking, then washing a couple of bottles of homebrew, I noticed that there appeared to be stress lines on the inside of some of the bottles. They looked like tiny cracks in the glass all running parallel to each other. Does anyone know if bottles can...
  2. ryanator

    Wicked Ale Brewery

    Russian Imperial... It must have been a seasonal beer. Havn't tried that one yet.
  3. ryanator

    What Is This?

    I've read that book. Complete rubbish. It's like he's just extended the instructions that come with brew kits into a 100 page book.
  4. ryanator

    What Is This?

    I was in Big W this morning checking out the homebrew section and something caught my eye. BRIGALOW NEW. :blink: What type of beer is this? It's like some mystery beer. I can't find anything on the net about it and it had no description on the can. Anybody know anything about this...
  5. ryanator

    Wicked Ale Brewery

    I think the one you are mentioning is Dirty Dan's Dark Delight. It's a stout and is about 8% alcohol. Very nice indeed. :beer:
  6. ryanator

    Wicked Ale Brewery

    I still havn't checked out Bootleg Brewery (though I have sunk a few Raging Bulls). I should have made the most of it when my mate was a chef there.
  7. ryanator

    Wicked Ale Brewery

    Hi everyone, I recently made a trip to Wicked Ale Brewery and tried a few of their brews. Was very impressed. On the menu: - Chilli Beer - Bad Frog Citrus Beer - Wheat Beer - Yallingup Old (Toffee Ale) - Chocolate Beer - Mama's Ginger Beer - Passionfruit Beer - Mango Madness - Scream'n Cream'n...
  8. ryanator

    What are you listening to

    Hey everyone, I'm currently listening to the following bands: - AFI - Thursday - Story Of The Year - The Used - Funeral For A Friend - Evermore - Taking Back Sunday - Champion - Raised Fist - Rival Schools - Project 86 - The Streets
  9. ryanator

    Primary Fermentation Duration

    I'm pretty sure there are still fermentables in there. I put in 500g of Cadbury Drinking Chocolate, 500g of Red Gum Honey, 500g of Dark Dry Malt, and 500g of Dextrose. When I put it into secondary, I'm gonna put in another 500g of Red Gum Honey. Can't wait to see the alcohol content of this one!
  10. ryanator

    Christmas Brews

    Hey everyone, Just wondering if anyone has started planning beers for christmas? I'm thinking of putting down a Coopers Dark Ale with: - Cinnamon - Nutmeg - Chocolate - Brown Sugar - Rum - Almond Essence Should be interesting. Would love to hear what other brewers out there are planning...
  11. ryanator

    Primary Fermentation Duration

    Hey everyone! I'm currently doing a Choc-Honey Porter. At the moment it is in primary fermentation. I put it in 12 days ago and the airlock is still consistently bubbling away. I was just wondering if it is safe to leave a brew in primary for approximately 2 weeks? I've never had one in primary...
  12. ryanator

    Bottle Priming With Dextrose

    Bulk priming is the way to go. Just make sure you add the sugar after you've added the beer and give it a good stir or you'll get a big heap of sugar in your tap and the first bottle will be overprimed.
  13. ryanator

    How Do I Rack Beer

    Here is a topic on racking. Racking :beer:
  14. ryanator

    Fermenter Quantity

    I've got four 30L fermenters. One for primary fermentation. Two for secondary fermentation. One for bulk priming and bottling (got it cheap because it had no lid).
  15. ryanator

    Improved Coopers Pale Ale Kit/can

    Are these kits you're talking about the Coopers Australian Pale Ale kits?
  16. ryanator

    Hop Varieties

    Aaaah Sweet! Thanks.
  17. ryanator

    Hop Varieties

    Hi all, I'm looking for a document that has the different varieties of hops and their properties. Deciding on what hops to use for a beer always has me a bit stumped. I have a document already but it is really simple and only good for a starting point. Cheers.
  18. ryanator

    Best Beer Drinking Anthems

    Crikey! A lot of heavy stuff for the brain there. Static-X always gets gets me amped up. Love the mix of heavy guitars with techno samples.
  19. ryanator

    Vanilla Stout

    Hey, I'm planning a Vanilla Stout and need some help with some questions. 1. Has anyone used vanilla sugar in a stout before? If so, how much needs to be added in order to get a mellow, vanilla taste? 2. Would 250g of dark brown sugar be a good addition to this kind of stout? 3. Is Coopers a...
  20. ryanator

    Best Beer Drinking Anthems

    Gonna definately be cranking "Punisher" by Frenzal Rhomb. "WHAT A CHAMPION! WHAT A PUNISHER!" Early AFI (Answer That And Stay Fashionable) is good when your drunk and loud. :beerbang: