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  1. ryanator

    Motivational Posters

    Haha I've seen thousands of these and they never get old!
  2. ryanator

    The Perfect Sunday Afternoon

    I had to tile my house on Sunday arvo. It was not the perfect way to spend Sunday. I'll have to make up for lost drinking time on Wednesday and Thursday!
  3. ryanator

    Racking And Bulk Priming

    Good idea in theory but I'd be worried about it exploding!
  4. ryanator

    Bulk Priming How Much Dextrose Per Liter?

    If you are using honey in a brew, you must take into consideration that honey takes a very long time to finish fermenting. I bottled a brew about 4 months ago which had honey in it and primed it with 6 grams of dextrose per litre. The beer has gradually become fizzier and fizzier to the point...
  5. ryanator

    Cascade Pale Ale

    I've got a pale ale down at the moment with 1.5kg of light dry malt and it seems to be doing pretty well. It started like a rocket. The airlock was pretty much blowing the water out.
  6. ryanator

    What Would You Do...

    Here is a link to a recipe that makes use of a Coopers Real Ale kit. It's pretty cheap to make and turns out fairly nice. New English Ale Hope this helps! :beer:
  7. ryanator

    Cascade Pale Ale

    Try using 1.5kg of light dry malt instead of the dextrose. Also add some extra hops as the hops in the can are not too flash. Maybe try some Pride of Ringwood hops. Hope this helps.
  8. ryanator

    A Case Of What ?

    I think I would have to go for a carton of Guinness. Can't get enough of the stuff!
  9. ryanator

    Ok, Own Up - Who Broke The Internet?

    Yeah I noticed that. All of my opened sites just froze.
  10. ryanator

    Fu^&en Hot!

    I just got home from an awesome holiday in Broome with my girlfriend. The weather was so hot up there! It sucked coming back to Bunbury. When we got home it was cold and raining. Anyone been to Diver's Tavern in Broome?
  11. ryanator

    Worst Album Cover Ever?

    Some of those are comedy gold. I've never seen any of those in the CD shop before. Maybe they're on the "Reduced To Clear" rack with all of the Australian Idol winners.
  12. ryanator

    Man Vs Machine Who Will Win

  13. ryanator

    Best Album Purchased This Year 2005

    I think Metallica deserve a little more credit than what they have been getting lately. People always go on about how Metallica's music has degenerated, but if they stopped comparing their new albums to their earlier albums (Master Of Puppets and Black Album for example) then people would...
  14. ryanator

    What are you listening to

    In the player at the moment is "Move Along" by The All-American Rejects. It's a pretty solid album for a pop-punk album.
  15. ryanator

    Best Album Purchased This Year 2005

    The mainstream bands have produced nothing but rubbish lately (in my opinion). The Taste Of Chaos tour had an awesome set of bands though. - The Used - Funeral For A Friend - Story Of The Year I can't believe I missed out on that tour because of exams. Anyone else out there catch it?
  16. ryanator

    Day After Xmas Show...

    My only advice is... If you're gonna rock up to a christmas party, you gotta rock up pissed. There's no better way to do it.
  17. ryanator

    Worst Comerical Beer You Had

    Tangent, Don't forget Carlton Everything. That's a pretty bad beer too!
  18. ryanator

    Best Album Purchased This Year 2005

    Hey everyone! I'm a huge fan of music and collect heaps of albums. Just wondering what everyone thinks is their best CD for the year. Mine would have to be "War All The Time" by Thursday. Love having it cranked up while I put down a new brew. Cheers!
  19. ryanator

    Worst Comerical Beer You Had

    I had a 6 pack of Boags Draught last night. Did not rate it at all! Made me feel shocking this morning. It felt like I had fallen asleep with a bar of soap in my mouth.
  20. ryanator

    My Beerbuds Are Changing

    Haha yeah it's a bastard getting them labels off. :beer: