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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. ryanator

    1l Swing Top Bottles

    I'll have to pick a couple of bottles up when the next pay packet comes in. Having no money sucks. If it wasn't for homebrew, I'd never drink! :o
  2. ryanator

    1l Swing Top Bottles

    Hahaha! Well it would be one way to stop my mates from stealing my beer all of the time. :D
  3. ryanator

    1l Swing Top Bottles

    I didn't see any in green. Could only find clear ones. There were some with flowery designs and stuff like that but lets not go there. I'm sure green ones could be found if you shop around a bit.
  4. ryanator

    1l Swing Top Bottles

    Just found a pic of the bottles.
  5. ryanator

    1l Swing Top Bottles

    Hey, I was in Big W the other day and saw some 1L swing top bottles on sale for about $2 each. I think they are just intended for storing water or cordial in. Was just wondering if any fellow brewers out there have tried using these for bottling beer. The swing top is almost identical to the...
  6. ryanator

    Suitable Stubbies?

    Another point I forgot to mention was that if you are using different sized stubbies when bottling, bulk prime your brew. It saves a heap of time and effort (and frustration). Cheers!
  7. ryanator

    Suitable Stubbies?

    I often use stubbies when bottling my brews. As mentioned earlier, be careful with the Crown stubbies. I have had so many of the little bastards explode. I have used many clear bottles over the past year and havn't had any problems (my beer is stored in dark conditions though). I have also had...
  8. ryanator

    Kimba , Simba And Mischeif 3 Brews

    Azooma, First of all, welcome to the site and brewing. I've only been brewing for a year and am still doing kits but am loving it. Just a quick simple tip for improving kit beers: Try using a hops infusion bag. They're really simple to use and can greatly improve a kit beer. Good luck!
  9. ryanator

    Racking And Bulk Priming

    Thanks. Yeah I probably should let it age a bit more. Curiosity got the better of me and I had to crack one open! :beerbang: The temperature has been really low as well so it wouldn't have conditioned much in the last week. At one stage the temp was below zero!
  10. ryanator

    Racking And Bulk Priming

    Hi everyone, I just sampled one of my wheat beers and it turned out a little flat (not completely flat, but not exactly fizzy). I left the beer in the first drum for one week, transfered it into a new drum for another week, then bulk primed it and let it condition in the bottle for one more...
  11. ryanator

    Beer Diver

    Something I received in my email. You have all probably seen this but I thought it was rather amusing. Cheers!
  12. ryanator

    The Homebrewer's Beard

    I already have the long, moppy hair and big sideburns. If I grow a moustache I'll be obliged to act in corny 70's porn movies. :beer:
  13. ryanator

    Thick, Rich Ale

    Hi everyone, I'm making an ale using Coopers Real Ale (maybe 2 cans?), 1kg Coopers Brew Enhancer 1, and 500g Light Dry Malt. I still havn't decided which hops to use yet and was thinking of maybe doing an 18 litre brew instead of a 23 litre brew, just to thicken it up. Some questions I need...
  14. ryanator

    Best Supermarket Brew Kit

    Hey Bretto, I did the Bavarian Lager kit with 1kg of Coopers Brew Enhancer 2 and a Hallertau Hops Infusion Bag (12g - Standard Method). I didn't rack the brew so it was a little cloudy. Also, I think the brew needs to be fermented around 15 degrees or otherwise it gets a bit of an eggy smell (a...
  15. ryanator

    Introduce Yourself.

    Hi everyone! I joined AussieHomeBrewer a few months ago though have only just started posting and thought I had better introduce myself. My name's Ryan and I'm from Bunbury. I've been brewing for a year now and started because I wanted to make something I couldn't buy in the liquor stores. Some...
  16. ryanator

    Best Supermarket Brew Kit

    What is the best :) and worst :angry: brew kit you have bought in a supermarket or variety store? (Coles, Woolworths, Big W) I thought the Coopers Bavarian Lager was pretty good when brewed right. I havn't brewed any which have been too bad though my experience with supermarket brew kits...
  17. ryanator

    Cascade Brew Kits

    I was a bit curious about trying the Spicy Ghost brew kit. Should be a good project. Thanks for those links. I'll suss them out. Cheers! :beer:
  18. ryanator

    Cascade Brew Kits

    Hi, My local Coles store has just started stocking the Cascade brew kits. I was just wondering what they are like. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanx.
  19. ryanator

    Maple Explosions

    I just had a quick look on the net but all I could find was that maple contains natural sugar. Processed maple syrups might be different though. I'll have to suss it out. Ryan.
  20. ryanator

    Maple Explosions

    Hey, Yeah mine tasted pretty good. It was a little bit sweet at first but once it ferments for a while most of the sweetness dies down and you get a pretty nice maple flavour. Thinking back now, I think I used 250ml of maple syrup myself. Hope yours turns out good! :beer: