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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Bubbles Have Stopped And No Krauzen Visable

    Doesn't the pilsner come with a Lager YEast?? So after a day or so the yeast will settle down and slowly ferment on the bottom
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    Hop/bitternes Calculator

    Cheers guys.. Much Appreciated
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    Hop/bitternes Calculator

    Have any of you guys got any programs or formula's to work out how much hops you need to bitter to a certain strength\amount??
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    Yeast Starter Fails

    I have steped up SafAle before with good results.. THis was my first try of steping up yeast to use in future beers.. I have been using it for the last 6 months.. Initially I steped up from the packet to a 1 lite starter then 2 days later to a 2 litre starter. Poored off the spent wort. Poored...
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    Hey GMK Just letting you know that I recieved my order today.. Thanks alot for that.. My wife said today when I got home "you have recieved a parcel from SA it smells funny" hehe
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    Oxy Torch

    Then get the grinder in and neaten it up a littl then get a file or Dremel and get tid of all the sharp edges
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    Sweet... Thats the best news I have heard this week!! :-) Cheers man
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    Just wondering how the hops are goin GMK... I transfered the moneys accross last wednesday
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    Picnic Dispensing

    Another thing that you could do is put some table salt in the Ice Water.. It drops the temp a little morfor some reason.. I have been to a few Wine tours and thats what they say to chill white wine... If I remember correctly Better Homes and Gardens done this in one of their episodes. They had...
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    Metalic Taste To Beer

    My stainless Coopers Puta makes the been in there have metalicy taste. Still got me bugered on how to get rid of this flavour.
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    Cookery Corner - Beer Can Chicken

    Ive done this and it turns out very well indeed.. The steam from the beer keeps the chicken nice and moist.. Even with a Stout I really couldn't taste any beery or malty flavours as I though I would have..
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    GMK Check your PM
  13. B

    Home Made Headmaster Glasses?

    Mine has a round head much like ummm *Looks around computer room* The pin on the inside of an RCA cable
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    Home Made Headmaster Glasses?

    I made some the other day with some cheapo Scooner glasses that I bought from the Warehouse (Clints) GOt the ole dremmel out and an etching piece, It took me 2 mins per glass to roughen up the bottom quite nicely,, I have to admit the beer Works a hell of alot more. And it keeps the head up...
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    Ill transfer the moneys accross when I get home from work for 1kg of Hal
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    Keg Polishing

    I have polished small stainless steel bits from my motorbike on a polishing weel on my bench grinder with S/S polshing compound it it turned out sweet... If you haven't got a lathe handy this might be a good way of doing this.. Have you got a bench grinder? IF you have pollishing weels aren't...
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    Vic. 2 Fridges For Sale

    Another NSW person that Would love another fridge.. And also another with the Commodore problem :D I hyave a tow bar but no trailer!! :angry:
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    Allrighty... Ill go for 1kg of SAAZ plugs for sure.. And 1kg of Hal depending on the cost of the HAL
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    Have You Made A Coopers Stout

    Hey Phantom have you tried the ESB 3kg Special Stout before?? I have one of these at home and haven't heard of anyone making it?
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    An Orrange Willie

    Doc - "Hello. How can I help you?" Man - "I've got an orange willy, doc." Doc - "What??" Man - "My willy - it's turned orange." Doc - "Umm... I'll have to look that up....It seems it could be a sign of stress; do you suffer from stress?" Man - "Not really" Doc - "What about stress at work?" Man...