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  1. doon

    FS:fridge freezer melbourne

    If anyone wants this they can have it for nothing control thrown in as well
  2. doon

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    Yeah pbw with hot water for 30 minutes comes up sparkling. I upped temp to over 70 and it worked great
  3. doon

    Lager brewing in a fridge without temp controller

    i used a spare lamp with a terracotta pot over it for years pretty cheap heat source
  4. doon

    FS:fridge freezer melbourne Will chuck in one of these i have too
  5. doon

    FS:fridge freezer melbourne

    Got a whirlpool top mount fridge/freezer. Its 8 years old and has been working fine last few weeks every few days it starts beeping and needs to be switched on and off. freezer has kept things frozen fridge kept things cold. Would most likely work fine with an external temp controller. Its...
  6. doon

    Upright freezer with cooling shelves

    I had one similar to this few years ago and couldn't give it away no one wanted it! Went to rubbish dump
  7. doon

    fading hop flavor

    What is the reason for aging it for a couple of months? I keg mine gas em.and drink em
  8. doon

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    Yep havent done a pbw was on it for ages now as it comes up way better then it did without dome. The elements used to be encrusted in stuff
  9. doon

    Braumeister - Tips & Tricks

    I dont know if im imagining things but it seems since I started using a dome and having the bm boil harder the elements are way easier to clean. Spray with hose quick eipe and they are done
  10. doon

    First attempt at aussie mega swill - help appreciated!

    I actually forgot to add to boil and chucked it into fermenter just before i pitched and all is good
  11. doon

    First attempt at aussie mega swill - help appreciated!

    One week and it was completely fermented out. I rose temp a few deg 5 days in for d rest and was lazy and left it for another week. Now crashing and fining. You would get away with 10 days. I had 0 sulphur smell coming out of this too
  12. doon

    First attempt at aussie mega swill - help appreciated!

    I did one with 4kg pilsner 500 grams sugar and a touch of roast Barley for colour. Fermented with s23 at 16. Its come out a cracking beer that my non craft friends are going to love.
  13. doon

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    It also looks like a wine fridge
  14. doon

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace
  15. doon

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    He has it on Gumtree for 400
  16. doon

    Jockey Box ? thinking of getting one

    I dont think a 16g keg charger will have enough to push your beer through the ss chill coil
  17. doon

    add my brewery facebook

    Im pretty close to Williamstown (live in spotswood) so will come down and try your beers when you open up for sure
  18. doon

    BRY-97 and sulphur smell

    What kind of beer? I used it on an american wheat once and got massive sulfur off it. Went away with time