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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. HoppingMad

    Water Chemistry

    Funny I was on this website yesterday and was gobsmacked when I saw that too. Ray is an American who from what I can gather is based in Chicago Illinois. His water chemistry and yours in Sydney would be quite different. If it were me I'd ignore his suggestion on additions and be guided by the...
  2. HoppingMad


    Just don't do what I did. Went to Clark Rubber, got some of that reflective sticky backed rubber material you can cut to size. Like this stuff (sorry about size - not my photo): Placed it on my Mash Tun. Popped a burner underneath to do a temp rise after a protein rest and the stuff started to...
  3. HoppingMad

    Good Beer Week - Feedback For Future Events

    Interesting. Haha a Stout with Black Sabbath. Reminds me of this pic I saw recently: Wonder what would go with a Scandanavian Norgen O or Mikkeller? Something pretty evil sounding in a different language I guess! Hopper.
  4. HoppingMad

    Good Beer Week - Feedback For Future Events

    1. What events did you go to? Brew Dog Ale Stars at the Taphouse 2. Did you think it was well organised? Yep it rocked. But where was the Tactical Nuclear Penguin damnit?!! :angry: 3. Was it pitched at your level, above your level or below your level? Below my level. But the guy is there to...
  5. HoppingMad

    Grass Wine

    Oh. I thought he was talking about this (slaps hand to forehead). :rolleyes: BarleyWine Experiment Hopper.
  6. HoppingMad

    Breweries Near Mt. Buller -

    Handy little link with info on many of the breweries the guys have mentioned and a few more: Victorian Regional Breweries
  7. HoppingMad

    Any Gluten Free Beer Recipe's?

    Razz is spot on. Milletman (O'Brien's Brewery Ballarat) has a bunch of posts on AHB and is a guru on this. Search threads with his name and you'll get a bunch of stuff. Some of his threads were so interesting it got me thinking about tinkering with a range of different GF ingredients - and I'm...
  8. HoppingMad

    Nelson Sauvin, Cascade And Jwm Traditional Ale

    Yep my thinking too. NS & Cascade are exactly what the yak use and the Trad Ale will give you a similar colour with a touch of crystal malt too. Any clone recipe will do nicely. That said Ross' NS Summer ale is a great recipe. Brewed that up myself and can give it the thumbs up. If you haven't...
  9. HoppingMad

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    +1. Got a reg off these guys and picked it up to save postage. No probs at all on this one. Hopper.
  10. HoppingMad

    (vic) British Ales Comp

    Toper, from what I can understand, this guy has a problem with a computer program he dislikes. He also dislikes program likers who should be disliking what he dislikes. I fall into that category so I have been instantly disliked. Back on topic, enjoy British Ale Comps people. If you go along...
  11. HoppingMad

    Motorising A Carona Mill

    Cheers Paxxy. Might try this! That's a great idea. Hopper.
  12. HoppingMad

    Motorising A Carona Mill

    Wow. This thread is quite timely. I actually was playing around with motorising my Carona on the weekend. But failed too. :( Did the bolt threaded in, and fastened to the drill trick too (after taking off the Corona Handle). Angle ground the head off the bolt so it would fit the drill. Darn...
  13. HoppingMad

    Whats Your Favourite Part Of Homebrewing?

    +1 sharing it around, I really get a kick out of that. When people try one of your beers and go 'Wow, did you make this?' that's pretty cool. Makes all the hours of cleaning, thinking over recipes and sourcing ingredients for brew-day worthwhile. Gotta admit the 'glub-glub' when the airlock...
  14. HoppingMad

    You Know You're A Dedicated Homebrewer When...

    You take brewing books to the beach to read instead of the latest James Patterson Thriller. When you travel overseas you have to explain the suspicious looking parcel of hop pellets to Customs officials you're sneaking back. :D Hopper.
  15. HoppingMad

    Grain Mill Question

    Got one myself. Works a treat and recommend. Pros: They're cheap, they don't require any add-ons (just a bucket under a bench or a baking tray on a saw horse) and they'll give you nice muscley arms that will be a hit with the ladies. Gets the job done and the milling gap is easy to adjust for...
  16. HoppingMad

    Osama Bin Laden Dead

    Mants is picking you up on a minor thing Gone_Fish, but he's kinda right. Yeast is a fungus, not a bacteria. Minor detail, but we get what you're saying. Wikipedia Yeast Definition Cheers, Hopper.
  17. HoppingMad

    (vic) British Ales Comp

    :icon_offtopic: Think you are right Wolfy. There is a sense of 'No need brewing for judges, I'm brewing for me". And fair enough for the guys to be doing this. They feel they've earned their stripes, and can now sit back and have a few beers they like. This is something specific to our club...
  18. HoppingMad

    (vic) British Ales Comp

    Didn't think you were FJ. Was a fair comment about some old timers not wanting to learn a new trick on the entry front. I guess what you're suggesting could be a difference between Westgate & MB - being that our 'mature' brewers don't tend to enter much anymore (it's left with the Gen y/x'ers...
  19. HoppingMad

    (vic) British Ales Comp

    Pretty obvious ain't it? :lol: Good luck to all entering using the information super highway. I've heard that you can do a lot of new-fangled stuff on there and it's a real blast. Despite the opposition, as Brendo pointed out this comp was a huge success last year and online was the only way...
  20. HoppingMad

    Increasing Alcohol- Noob

    Any form of fermentable material containing sugar can up your alcohol. That can be sugar (dextrose, brown sugar, lactose, sucrose, glucose, coopers & LHBS brew boosters etc) That can be syrups (maple syrup, golden syrup etc) That can be dryed malt extracts (LDME etc) That can be extract (such...