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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Swinging Beef

    My Homebrew And Commercial Brewing How-to Site (from Us)

    I love it! The DE filtering is a bit 'eeeew' though.
  2. Swinging Beef

    New To Ag/biab

    BIAB IS AG! Use the same recipies AG as normal and adjust to your taste the 2nd time round. Everyones brewery and brewabilities are very different. There is a good thread on the HOW TO BIAB somewhere and youtube is your friend.
  3. Swinging Beef

    Leffe Radieuse Recipe?

    Hmm... sounds tempting... where do you live in Sydney? :icon_cheers: The beers in the photo look incredibly close! Great stuff.
  4. Swinging Beef

    Corona Clone With Flavour

    I'm reasonably convinced the longer you boil a 'thing' the less you can taste it. Dry hop once the gravity is nearly stable at the tail end of the ferment. Then hoik in a fistful of hops and wait another three days or so. 20g? Up to you. How much do you like hop aroma? Lots of late hops in a...
  5. Swinging Beef

    Simple Recipie Idea.

    Fair call. The hop character in that beer is outstanding! Do they really only make one hop addition?
  6. Swinging Beef

    Simple Recipie Idea.

    Royal Family ESB (Mostly German Ingredients ;)) 19litre 4kg Munich 50gm (30IBU) Fuggles for 60min 20gm Fuggles for 10 min 20gm Fuggles for 1 minute Danstar Windsor Yeast
  7. Swinging Beef

    Corona Clone With Flavour

    Just a small dry hop addition, mate. Save yourself the fluffing around with the boil. Its a nice kit, that Cerveza. Avoid the boil altogether and use a citrusssy hop like Chinook or Cascade When I have added lime rind to beers before, you only want it in the boil for 5 minutes or less, or all...
  8. Swinging Beef

    Nervous About Drilling A Fridge

    Look for a schematic of their fridge to see if you can locate how the refrigerant moves around the device so you can find a gap to drill in, or call a refrigeration mechanic and ask them.
  9. Swinging Beef

    James Squire New Norcia Abbey Ale

    Its a nice idea and Im glad they did it, and it tastes good but not outstanding. But Id sooner put my $:quantity ratio to work elsewhere. Im glad they are trying to make Belgian styled beers in Australia, but this one does fall quite short of Belgian made or Canadian made Belgian styled beers.
  10. Swinging Beef

    Kolsch Glass

    K Mart or Myer. Nothing real special about a Kolsch glass. Save your pennies for crazy arsed belgian beer glasses.
  11. Swinging Beef

    Kriek Ish Recipe

    Mate, Im a big fan of Kreik, but your recipe seems quite a way off. What I see here is a nice simple beer that cherry would go well in, but for real kreik flavours you are going to need to head down the path of the home brewers nightmare, and use some crazy arsed wild yeasts like Brett. What is...
  12. Swinging Beef

    Looking For Barley Wine - Sydney

    You tend not to see them in bottle shops anywhere! I would recommend you put in an order at the international beer shop in Perth and have it shipped. We like to get a couple of mates involved and split an expensive carton. Be sure to include Fullers Golden Pride in your shopping list.
  13. Swinging Beef

    Recipe Doubling

    removing the dex will result in a lower abv reading, but will also noticiably effect the final flavour and mouthfeel of the beer. try to stick to your proportions (or ratios) to replicate the beer
  14. Swinging Beef

    And We're Off!

    Frozen smack packs work just fine with a starter. Just be prepared for a little wait as some of the little dudes will have passed away in the freezer, but never fear! Their friends will eat them as they come back from the big cold sleep. 60minute hop additions require a very fine pallate to...
  15. Swinging Beef

    RecipeDB - Midnight Train Malt Liquor

    Thanks BribieG, that was flippin awesome. Had a schooner at lunchtime today. It wss nothing like I expected. In flavour it sat somewhere between the English clear glassed Spitfire and good german lager where the hops just "went"! It was all malt forward with almost NO hop character. The only...
  16. Swinging Beef

    0minutes Yeast Lag

    Yeah, some american hops. I really like the strong belgian beers, and was curious to see what this malty IPA I made last summer would come out like. And dont panic... Im pretty sure BJCP are gonna reject this as a sub category. Hell, if they did, it would some how become Cascadian Belgian IPA or...
  17. Swinging Beef


    So many haters. Boil the little buggers up for 20 minutes or so in a double boiler. I reckon they would make an awesome addition to a stout. Dont be too frightened about miscelaneous sweetners and additives... most of them are in such small quantities that you can even use them and still comply...
  18. Swinging Beef

    0minutes Yeast Lag

    you are right.. it does SOUND nice, but so far that is it. I haven't tasted it. Last summer I made a munich heavy IPA on US05 and was real impressed at the profile. 76IBU, 7.6%ABV SO I decided to give it a whirl with a Belgian yeast as well. 4kg munich 3kg pale .25 Cararoma (130) .25 Wheat 1kg...
  19. Swinging Beef

    0minutes Yeast Lag

    BIPA? Is it not well known? 7.6abv 76IBU seppo and euro hops with Belgian yeast Munich and Pils with some Crystal 120 Yum Yum!
  20. Swinging Beef

    0minutes Yeast Lag

    On the weekend, I cropped the 3" krausen of yeast off the witbier that has been happily chugging along from 1050 down to 1015 and hoiked it in to the 1076OG Belgian IPA in the fermenter sitting right next to it. Yeast took off immediately. Airlock activity within minutes and within an hour there...