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  1. jayse

    Brewboys 3rd Wurst Day Of Your Life

    Yes Brewboys is in Adelaide, only a stones throw away from Coopers and Campus brewery. How keen are you? enough to ride the trusty pushy? I won't beable to pick you up at that time.
  2. jayse

    Ecu Short Brewing Course

    A bargin even at twice the price I am sure :unsure:
  3. jayse

    Brewboys 3rd Wurst Day Of Your Life

    The brewery and cellar door/bar is at 151 regency rd Croydon Park, right inbetween days and south rds. You can't miss it if you drive past.
  4. jayse

    Brewboys 3rd Wurst Day Of Your Life

    Should note the wurst off with 20 different wursts is free at 5pm, dress as a german beer wench or in your fave lederhosen and you might get yourself a free beer. On tap Maiden Ale, Ace Of Spades, Seeing Double, Schweinhund, iconaclastic randalized schweiny. Bottles of Charger and GT lager plus...
  5. jayse

    Ecu Short Brewing Course

    Whats the story with the GCB exam, is there one being sheduled following this or is it a case of there will be one coming up eventually, anyone here know? It would be best you would think to have it reasonbly soon after this rather then wait months and many pints later to actually sit it. Is...
  6. jayse

    Basic Ph Question

    It is important to note the intial PH of the water you will use means very little, most tap water is around about the same mark but its not the actuall PH your interested in here but the make up of the water is what you need to use to predict what PH you will get in the mash.
  7. jayse

    Brewboys 3rd Wurst Day Of Your Life

    Sat 7th May 2011 - 3rd Annual Wurst Day Of Your Life Come and try an array of wurst from 5pm with house band Blue Mandrin playing live 6.30 till late. Serving three different wursts in rolls with saurkraut, mustard and sauce availible following the huge wurst off. Vote for your favourite...
  8. jayse

    American Amber Ale - Where Does It Fit In?

    I would put Malt shovel amber more as a english ale rather then american amber, American Amber still does not have its own catergory with the aabc guidelines but can be put into specialty. Currently talk about introducing american amber into the aabc guidelines but does not look like it will...
  9. jayse

    Brewcraft Wizard Smith Kit

    Theres a lot more to pale ale then 40 dollar coopers, wizard smith itself is essentially a pale ale.
  10. jayse

    Craftbrewer Fwk

    Not sure what you were expecting, a thread came up about something that just happened to be posted elsewhere at the same time so I provided a link, simple. I was under no illusions that by posting that it was gunna set the world on fire. Might make the phone ring a few extra times at craftbrewer...
  11. jayse

    RecipeDB - Aaron's Best

    I tend to agree a 20min addition seems to be the magic number for great hop flavour. I would have drunk this beer of Aarons before and I make one very similar. An interesting yeast I have found for this type of beer is wyeast 1332 northwest ale if you want to try a non english twist on it. EKG...
  12. jayse

    Port Lincoln, Sa, Home Brew

    Not suprised there is people brewing in Ceduna, a little suprised they would bother using a hydrometer, I would have thought even washing the fermenter was a step they wouldn't bother with, sorry being prejudice.
  13. jayse

    Craftbrewer Fwk

    Article from brewnews Just today.
  14. jayse

    Did Anyone Go To The Melb Beer And Brewer Expo

    I have not seen any beer and brewer magazine events listed for Good Beer Week, haven't seen their name mentioned in amoung anything at all actually. I'll be there early on the friday afternoon and leaving sunday morning, saturday night we don't really have actuall plans yet, just beer crawls, I...
  15. jayse

    Too Much Galaxy?

    I don't know what people are doing wrong but I have come across a few threads with people addvising to go easy with galaxy, I don't see why you would unless you want to make a step up APA half a beer. I would be using something else for bittering though if your going for a high IBU but I see no...
  16. jayse

    Mashing In An Oven

    There are many ways why this would not be ideal, first and this proberly means nothing to many but you will be at work and have work to do, is the plan to put it on at the end of the day then take it home and transfer to lauter tun and carry on or is the plan to do everything at work? I think...
  17. jayse

    Anyone Used White Rabbit White Ale Yeast

    Reasonble assumption, i assume the same.
  18. jayse

    Good Brew Friday

    The Crankenstien looks rude.
  19. jayse

    Good Brew Friday

    Blichmann HopRocket.