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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. jayahhdee

    Beer Cookbook

    Tried out the BBQ dipping sauce over the weekend, the entire family loved it and there was none left at the end of the day. Great recipe, all should try it.
  2. jayahhdee

    Brewing Coarses

    I can happily vouch for the G&G demo's and in particular the BIAB ones. Got me started on AG BIAB and I'm now progressing to 3v as a result.
  3. jayahhdee

    Christmas Lotto 2012

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Waggastew 7. 8. 9. Wolfman 10. QldKev 11. Lakey 12. QldKev 13. Geneabovill 14. QldKev 15. 16. 17. bullsneck 18. 19. Mardoo 20. 21. NickB 22. jyo 23. Nick R 24. 25. Diesel80 26. 27. Barls 28. jayahhdee 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. keifer33 34. NickB 35. 36. 37. Mardoo 38. 39. 40. 41. 42...
  4. jayahhdee

    Is This A Hop Plant?

    Looks like a hop to me
  5. jayahhdee

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    and all the is code for it didn't sell for enough, i'm not giving it up.
  6. jayahhdee

    Melbourne/vic Grain Bulk Buy - Late Nov/early Dec

    Spreadsheet works great, placed my order on the list, thanks for setting that up.
  7. jayahhdee

    Melbourne/vic Grain Bulk Buy - Late Nov/early Dec

    Wolfman, i'll take a 1/4 of Melanoidin if available.
  8. jayahhdee

    Melbourne/vic Grain Bulk Buy - Late Nov/early Dec

    1. Nibbo: Several Bags of Grain 2. yumyumyum. 1 x pilsner. 1 x vienna. Possibly more 3. Razz. 1 x Weyermann Pale malt 4. jayahhdee: 1 x JW Trad Ale, 1x JW Pilsner, 1 x Simpsons Marris Otter 5. Wakkatoo 6. Muscovy: 1 x pilsner, 1x Golden Promise, 1x Victory, (split some specs: Rye, .....) 7...
  9. jayahhdee

    Anhc 2012

    Thanks for that Andy, glad to hear feedback is asked for, I'm just a fan of doing it asap while its all fresh in my head.
  10. jayahhdee

    Anhc 2012

    From a first time attendee, it was an awesome experience. Didn't have the opportunity to attend the Gala or Club night due to non beer related stuff but I found the actual conference to be extremely valuable and I've walked away with a lot of ides about where to go with my brewing. I will...
  11. jayahhdee

    The Beerbug - Digital Hydrometer

    While I like the idea, I think the price is a little high and wouldn't be throwing money at it until I see some reviews.
  12. jayahhdee

    Anhc 2012

    I'd assumsed that having not recieved them yet, everytinhg would be collected on the day instead of being posted out this late.
  13. jayahhdee

    Melbourne/vic Grain Bulk Buy - Late Nov/early Dec

    1. Nibbo: Several Bags of Grain 2. yumyumyum. 1 x pilsner. 1 x vienna. Possibly more 3. jayahhdee: 1 x Trad Ale, 1 x Marris Otter, 1x Pilsner I'll possibly also looking for a couple of splits, yet to be decided.
  14. jayahhdee

    Fed Square Microbrewery Showcase

    Thursday is all sold out as of a couple of weeks ago, so I doubt there will be any doors tickets for it.
  15. jayahhdee

    Swan Brewery Closing

    Group buy? AHB Brewery? ....
  16. jayahhdee

    Beer Cookbook

    Just put some pork ribs in the smoker marinated with the recipe in the book, planning on trying the wheat beer ice cream over the weekend.
  17. jayahhdee

    Scales For Measuring Grain

    Awesome deal, jumping on board :D
  18. jayahhdee

    Gage Roads Pumpkin Ale

    I had a bottle a few weeks ago and relly enjoyed it, first pumpkin ale i've had. I guess I can see why some people would want more of everything but I found it nice and subtle, clearly I need to try some other pumpkin ales.
  19. jayahhdee

    Beer Advent Calendar

    If I don't have one of these come December, there is going to be some serious questions getting asked and stuff getting broken damnit.