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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. RobW

    English Mild

    I'm considering subbing some of the Maris Otter with Munich to get a bit more malty sweetness too.
  2. RobW

    English Mild

    I made the Gordon Strong recipe recently. Don't have the exact details but its Maris Otter and about 10% medium crystal and a touch of chocolate. 3.6% ABV I found the same thing - thin and a bit bland. I mashed at 70 but I suspect the White Labs British Ale yeast I used may attenuate a bit more...
  3. RobW

    Gout & Filtering Beer

    Good info here
  4. RobW

    Anecdotal explanations come from ageing - like a good Barley Wine.

    I don't know where you are but this is available at Purvis Beer. Also Beer Cartel You should be able to track them down elsewhere.
  5. RobW


    Thanks for putting this together WEAL Droopy Brew 3 Shadime 2 Rambo 2 Yuz 2 Haciluka 3 breaky 2 Fat Drew 2 Dan Pratt 2 Mister Clark 6 sbowler 2 Digga 3 Yochris77 2 Maheel = 2 Hophead2 - 2 RamuGupta 2 Gezzanet 2 Midnight brew 2 Old bloke 2 Mr B 3 Bingggo 2 Fro-Daddy 2 leahy268 2 Leyther 2 please...
  6. RobW

    Fermenting fridge fan

    Is there an optimal level to have the fan - top, middle, bottom? Or doesn't it matter?
  7. RobW

    INKBIRD Special Giveaway for Thanksgiving!

    IBSTH1 (Temperature & Humidity Data Logger) please Thanksgiving - gotta love it! ;)
  8. RobW

    Late/Whirlpool hopping an IPA with Styrians

    Has anybody tried a big whirlpool addition of Styrians into an English IPA? How hard can you go before the marmalade takes over?
  9. RobW

    F*ck you Woolworths

    If you want to stick it to Coleworths use Aussie Farmers Direct. Costs a tad more but all Australian products, they don't screw the producers and none of that Home Brand ****. What they don't have you can usually get from IGA.
  10. RobW

    New Trappist brewery in UK

  11. RobW

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    And I believe can also be an issue with emergency phones in lifts
  12. RobW

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Not sure outsourcing will solve the problem by itself. The Victorian Myki was outsourced and what happened? "OOOh! We've run out of money. Can we please have another couple of hundred million$$" What's needed is properly specced contracts with less wriggle room and milestones with real funding...
  13. RobW

    1.5" Tri Clover to Ball Lock GAS Post

    Cheers N87 you're right, I didn't spot that. Too easy. :cheers:
  14. RobW

    1.5" Tri Clover to Ball Lock GAS Post

    I looked at that too but the post is NBP and the TC caps all seemed to be MPT but I guess some thread tape could fix that. I'll keep looking. I do like the all-in-ones though ;)
  15. RobW

    1.5" Tri Clover to Ball Lock GAS Post

    That's the fallback position but I'd prefer an all-in-one if possible - for sanitary reasons mostly. And of course there are pre-drilled TC plates but they're all the wrong size hole.
  16. RobW

    1.5" Tri Clover to Ball Lock GAS Post

    Does anybody know a local or ebay source for these? The only ones I can find are in the US and either don't ship here or are very exxy. Cheers Rob
  17. RobW

    Newsflash, Sydney man buys crappy brewery and shed and makes the news

    In this case I'd say put it in a small boat and set fire to it as you push it out to sea - kinda like the Vikings did.
  18. RobW

    Newsflash, Sydney man buys crappy brewery and shed and makes the news

    There are more pix in the Daily Mail story. It's basically just a big Blichmann pot and a conical.
  19. RobW


    From Beer & Brewer The Brewers Association (BA) in America has announced the craft brewing community’s intent to ‘Take Craft Back from Big Beer’, launching the largest crowdfunding campaign ever – with a target of $213 billion – to buy Anheuser-Busch InBev. $212,998,000,000 to go!