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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. RobW

    Capsule based brewing

    "It’s unclear how much the machine and capsules are going to cost and if beer tastes any good." I'd hazard: Lots and Probably Not
  2. RobW

    House of Malt - New Craft Malthouse selling to Homebrewers

    The same reason we pay more for domestic gas than the countries we sell it to.
  3. RobW

    Live Grasshopper in fermenter.

    I wouldn't be too sure about that: Cheers Rob
  4. RobW

    How to estimate OG for cyser. Honey + Juice = 1.? Plus apple-pie cyser

    Can anybody suggest somewhere in Melbourne to buy small quantities of Madagascar Vanilla Beans? The price has gone through the roof recently and most places seem to sell in bigger quantities than I need.
  5. RobW

    Brut IPA

    No not the anti-perspirant
  6. RobW

    The naming of beer.

    I don't usually name mine but I did once make a lager with Tettnanger called Tett Offensive
  7. RobW

    Late/Whirlpool hopping an IPA with Styrians

    Good luck, let us know how it goes.
  8. RobW

    Late/Whirlpool hopping an IPA with Styrians

    Yes, I did. I used (from memory): FWH 50g 10 30g 0 20g Dry Hop 20g Initially it was pretty overwhelming but settled down and now towards the end of the keg (of course) it's coming out nicely. That said, I think I wouldn't bother with the dry hop next time and...
  9. RobW

    Lost & Grounded - Alex Troncoso

    Nice story featuring Alex Troncoso who has occasionally popped up on this forum in the past
  10. RobW

    Dry hopping cylinder

    Sorry, misinterpreted "loose dry hopping". I jiggled the tube up and down a few times when it first went in but otherwise left it alone. The pellets were wet right the way through when it came out a couple of days later.
  11. RobW

    Dry hopping cylinder

    I've got a couple of those. They work OK with pellets, haven't tried flowers though.
  12. RobW

    Very Large Starters

    As per Wobbly (above): Try growing your starter to the second last step up you have calculated you need, then crash chill it a couple of days before you need to pitch. On brew day pour the wort off the starter and replace with the volume of your brewday wort you would have used for the last...
  13. RobW

    Should we really trust Google Translate?

    Here's some more: Do I want to crumble in Corneliusfat, and sometimes I do, then I put the bum in a sock I sewn of a fabric that IKEA had previously called Sarita. If you want to have similar fabric to sock or BIAB bag, there is a fabric called Theresia that should be as good. I cook this for a...
  14. RobW

    Should we really trust Google Translate?

    Maybe not. This from a Swedish brewers blog. I was particularly intrigued by the underlined sections: Exhaustion and page batch At 9 o'clock, the hot mash was already ready and ready and ready for the malt to be transferred to another saucepan. I got 16 liters on the entire SG 1,036 which...
  15. RobW

    Stephen Hawkins dies

    What a brilliant mind. Must read his book again - I only understood about 10% of it the first time
  16. RobW

    English Mild

    Surprising that it's 25% sugar with 85% attenuation. Presumably the 2 hr boil contributes something too.
  17. RobW

    English Mild

    Mine was based on this