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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Murcluf

    How To Crush A Small Amount Of Grain

    +1 Exactly what I thought, a kilo of malt would only take 2 minutes through a mill even turn by hand
  2. Murcluf

    Worlds Biggest Real Ale Festival

    Thanks Robbo you're a legend! printed cut down and bound! :D
  3. Murcluf

    Apparently We're The Suckers Who Will Want It

    Pete Brown gets a gold "NFI" stamp from me, I believe he is only showing how little he knows by making statements like that.
  4. Murcluf

    Boring Waste Of Tv Time

    Those who, those who can't......... referee! :lol:
  5. Murcluf

    Sending Beer To Australia?

    They only real issue you are going to have is the cost of freight which is way over the top. Just ask anyone who has ever tried to get a hand pump sent over here. Also you can get a shipping price to here on the UK posties website another option would be to look at DHL but they aren't cheap...
  6. Murcluf


    After a quick google search rj king wing walkker I gather it is a store brand beer aka woolies dry dock or platinum brand as no real brewery will put its name to it.
  7. Murcluf

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Hey just a quick FYI just because Coopers range is bottle conditioned doesn't mean you have to hefe them all. If only works with the Pale Ale and even then I'm not a fan of it. I fined a fresh Coopers carefully served in a glass unhefed is best Sparkling is meant to be sparkling not cloudy. The...
  8. Murcluf

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Hey just a quick FYI just because Coopers range is bottle conditioned doesn't mean you have to hefe them all. If only works with the Pale Ale and even then I'm not a fan of it. I fined a fresh Coopers carefully served in a glass unhefed is best Sparkling is meant to be sparkling not cloudy. The...
  9. Murcluf

    Anyone Got Any Hot Tips On A Cheap Burner?

    I've got 2 of these puppies and they are the ducks nuts once you adjust the air intake correctly for maximum blue flame
  10. Murcluf

    Crazy Idea To Recreate Uk Fermentor System. Pump?

    I'd suggest you could try double drop fermentation first as brakespears do, rather than recirulation. I'm planning to give it a go in my next few english ales to see if there is any improvement. they drop fermenting wort one fermenter to another after 24 hours after pitching or something like...
  11. Murcluf

    2012 Tanunda Show Homebrew Competition

    Congrats to you Luke for organising yet another great comp :icon_cheers: Looking forward to a bigger and better one next year.
  12. Murcluf

    Professor Charlie Bamforth In Melbourne

    Wouldn't be great if we could get him here for ANHC, Andyd??? Don't ask don't get
  13. Murcluf

    Rice Malt Syrup - Attenuation?

    Back in the day when I used to do extract I played with both rice and corn syrup both from asian and brew shops. I found korean corn syrup the best for light weight lagers such as Cervesa and American styles from memory attenuation was around 70% off the top of my head.
  14. Murcluf

    Wig & Pen - What's On Tap Now?

    I was at the Wig & Pen just before Christmas and I really enjoyed the Brewers IPA from the hand pump.
  15. Murcluf

    Aldi Randal Sale

    FFS seriously, google it yourself, bugger it!!!!! Here I've even done that for you Click Here it's ok it pork spin free! Yes I am in a foul mood today! :o
  16. Murcluf

    New Nasa Burners For Sale. Adelaide.

    Not exactly true, you just have to be creative on where you look for them. Here's a couple of hint's think "Asian Goods and or Camping/Fishing or even Hardware stores"
  17. Murcluf

    Aldi Randal Sale

    It's ok Nath we ain;t missing anything when it comes to Aldi, went to the one at Yass last year. it just has pallets of home brand stuff and staff are next to useless. No doubt if we bother to do a ebay search or trawel the web we will be able to score them for half the price. :icon_offtopic...
  18. Murcluf

    Reading Co2 Bottle Dates

    09@10 is a date stamp considering its under paint it most probably manufacturer test stamp. Test stamps should with a testers mark, which would the @ like mark. Some secondary testing these days have the test stamp highlighted with a coloured paint so it is easier to find.
  19. Murcluf

    What Are Your Costs (or Savings) In Home Brewing?

    My idea of good maths Dan's Franziskaner Hefe Weissbier 500mL x20 =$89.99 or $8.99 a litre Wayne's HB Bavarian Hefe Weissbier 19lt x 2= $50 or $1.32 a litre (price includes all ingredients gas, electricity) Also my Hefe Weissbier doesn't have any of those travel related and poor handling...
  20. Murcluf

    Wtb: 2nd Hand Portable Immersion Heater

    I just bought one of those 2nd hand for $50 they are brilliant to work with, I'd buy it for $40 easy but it is pick up only so if anyone is from anywhere nrear Windsor in NSW best to jump on this one.