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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Murcluf

    Lion To Purchase Little World Beverages

    +1 you're preaching to the converted :lol:
  2. Murcluf

    The Rant

    That's great news, perhaps you might want to praise the supplier on here so we all know whereto get great service from?
  3. Murcluf

    Thunder Rd Goes After The Big Boys

    I'd have to agree here, as the article only talk about the names not about the actual beers. I get no indication that Thunder Road have any intention of actually brewing of these beers. As the recipes if still available would be more about IP rather then TM. Without IP/recipe you'd be only...
  4. Murcluf

    The Rant

    Probably got it from China off of Ebay, Returns at Purchaser's Cost or something like that. That could be why we are getting no details, Like you said before if purchased locally it would be considered DOA and exchanged for another one.
  5. Murcluf

    Xxxx Edges Out Vb As Our Favourite Beer

    Thankfully I have done a little more research into South Australian brewing history than a journo from a indi paper. Just to say you are correct, Adelaide's early breweries used the English X system on there beers including the Walkerville brewery.
  6. Murcluf

    Xxxx Edges Out Vb As Our Favourite Beer

    :icon_offtopic: ish Article in today's Independant Daily
  7. Murcluf

    Xxxx Edges Out Vb As Our Favourite Beer

    What's the deal....... No RIS's, ESB's, Bock's, Strong Ale's, Barley Wines, IPA, Tripel's etc. More like "We surveyed 100 hand bag whipped soft cocks and these are the types of flavourless dribble their wives or mothers will let the drink when they are allowed too have something a stronger then...
  8. Murcluf

    Beer Belly Wort Chiller

    I have a 30 plate chiller from Beerbelly and have no issue with it easy to use etc, the only point I can see outside of a good hefty whirlpool. Would be as Smurto said, is to have a hop screen because I have more issue at that end then at the chiller end. It's a hell of a lot easier to shut a...
  9. Murcluf

    Coopers Celebration Ale

    Just got an polished of a sixer tonight. As long as you don't compare it with any other beer or style it is a very good beer, fresh crisp, malty, good body, and flavoursome. It's very much a Coopers beer don't know why I was expecting anything else, easiest way to describe it is a Sparkling...
  10. Murcluf

    3 Ravens Brewery Closes

    Damn shame that, 3 Ravens was one of the first micro beer I ever tried let alone my first smoked beer.
  11. Murcluf

    Free At Dans: Beer Styles Booklet

    I try very very hard to avoid buying any imported beer from Woolworth's establishment because of the very poor condition of their beers in total. But just to let you know if you purchase a single out of date bottle of imported beer and then write a letter of complaint to their head office (via...
  12. Murcluf

    Broo Beer Franchises

    Hmmmm product endorsements by Shannon Noll, Mick Molloy & John Elliott, why would you bother putting your name to it really.....pffft!
  13. Murcluf

    Galaxy..friend Or Foe?

    Friend.... use it at the end of boil without issue, never dry hopped with it and wouldn't either. I personally believe dry hopping is way overrated. galaxy and cascade is also a very beautiful marriage of flavour and aromas
  14. Murcluf

    Those Wacky Folk In Alabama...

    Unfortunately Manticle there's quite a few on here too, gathered by the amount of mindless drivel that gets posted. :(
  15. Murcluf

    Zywiec Porter

    I personally love their lager but haven't tried the porter yet. I think the real issue is when talk about imported beers from any Woolworth's owned store is whether it has been abused or not. If peeps are saying they are finding good quality (fresh) imported beers by brand name in Dan's then we...
  16. Murcluf

    Cascade Pale Ale Suggestions?

    Love Cascade beers especially those brewed in Tasmania :ph34r: far better then those brewed on the mainland. Definately noticable difference in taste from grain bill and water profile considering they do have their own malt house and water supply down there.
  17. Murcluf

    Mclaren Vale Ipa - Wow

    Far out!, anyone up for a game of spot the Vale/Ale fan club members, BF you'd have to be the president by a long shot. :P But seriously, I get what they are trying to do and I get the market they are aiming for, and although their beers have yet to impress me either. I have no doubt, oneday...
  18. Murcluf

    Single Hop Ipa Ideas

    Highly recommend Citra for a Single hop job have done it a couple of times now and love it. Just done one with Pacific Jade, hop wise not too bad but wouldn't bother to do it again. The other one I would highly recommend is Galaxy which I have also done a few times with great success.
  19. Murcluf

    Show Us Your Brew Cave

    That sounds pretty sweet
  20. Murcluf

    Show Us Your Brew Cave

    Woo! Greg that is one real brew cave, love to know the steady temp is for both summer and winter.