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  1. zoigl

    Big Beers For The Braumeister

    My Braumeister is a 50 litre and I have been using beer smith to scale my recipes aiming to mash around 10 kgs. It's easy if your recipes are shown in % I have had a struggle trying to match OG and FG with Beersmith and final volumes as well.
  2. zoigl

    Burners In Adelaide

    There is an Asian Food Wholesaler in Findon Road, very near Bunnings have a dirty big wok burners, I don't know the price but worth a look. good luck
  3. zoigl

    Adelaide - Fermenter Stainless Steel For Sale

    hsb I think my photo files are too large 2.4mb I have tried compressing them but got lost along the way can I PM you with picasa files?
  4. zoigl

    Adelaide - Fermenter Stainless Steel For Sale

    I have taken some photos and am trying to find out how to post them, How do I attach a photo file? No Brand I imported it from China
  5. zoigl

    Adelaide - Fermenter Stainless Steel For Sale

    I have found that I am not brewing as much beer now as I thought that I was going to. :blink: . so my 60 litre SS fermenter is up for sale. It is 316 grade, I have only used it a couple of times My fermenter is similar to the 65 litre fermenter sold by Keg King. It cost me over $1000...
  6. zoigl

    Keg King Beer Taps

    I love the flow restrictor, especially with wheat beers It's best to clean them regularly tho. I drilled a hole into a cork and put this onto the spout to keep out insects between drinks I have 2 standard taps with a column, make me an offer B)
  7. zoigl

    Cleaning Kegerator Taps

    all good advice. be aware that little springs and screws can slip from your fingers I use a large open SS bowl from Cheap as chips or similar store, It holds about 10 litres I mix 2 or 3 litres of star san and let everything drop into this bowl as I unscrew everything. Get some really small...
  8. zoigl

    Mybeershop Flow Controller Taps, Any Good?

    I am using these identical taps, I have 2 in my keg king kegerator. Because the taps have a long spout you need the tall column to get a glass under the tap I would make a point though and contrary to a lot of other opinion about cleaning taps, learn how to pull them apart to give them a...
  9. zoigl

    Rolling Grain

    PM sent give me a call
  10. zoigl

    March Pump Split Postage?

    OT but on the subject of whirlpooling, I have found that a commercial cooks 24 inch whisk does a cracker job. They cost about $20 from a chefs supply shop. Cheers
  11. zoigl

    30lt Bucket

    [You could try in Adelaide Cheers zoigl :icon_cheers:
  12. zoigl

    Whirlpooling - How And When?

    I use a 600 mm cooks whisk to whirl, I have tried paddles and spoons but the big whisk works best for me I am still trying to work out whether to whirl hot or cold, but I think cold whirl should be better with my immersion chiller
  13. zoigl

    Comical Fermenter

    Hi stevenali I made the plunge and had a SS fermenter made in China, it will be shipped this week The contact in the factory has been most helpful, even calling by phone a couple of times to clarify details. As it will not arrive for a week or so, I can't offer any more assistance It cost about...
  14. zoigl

    2010 Adelaide and Mildura Xmas Case Swap

    HELP!!! How do I get my name on the list of social drinkers and not swappers? I can't work out how to do this. Vespa2 :huh:
  15. zoigl

    Fridge Temp Diff

    From my research, beer serving temperature is very subjective, it depends on your personal taste and what you are brewing, lagers/ales/wheat beers etc. In winter I enjoy cellar temperature 8 -10 c or even higher. To quencjh a thirst after a hard days work outside, 0c wouldseem to be...
  16. zoigl

    Mill Stand

    Neat job! well done, Just out of curiosity, what is the plastic moulding that you used underneath for the collector? Cheers Vespa2
  17. zoigl

    Bottle Washer

    Impressive! I want one cheers Vespa 2
  18. zoigl

    Sodium Met. & Chloramine

    Any tips on measuring such a small amount? :huh: I would have a go at measuring the smallest amount my scales could handle then pour the powder (assuming that it has been pulverised to a powder in a mortar and pestle) onto a sheet of clean A4 paper then divide it in half with a sharp knife...