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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. zoigl

    Kegerator bulk buy

    I'm keen to upgrade my older series 3 complete with the 3 intertaps for the next generation series 4. How does $300 sound for my old one? It is about 3 years old, but for the last 12 months it has been in storage while I have been building my new little brauhaus. I can deliver 100km from around...
  2. zoigl

    Kegerator bulk buy

    Take me off the list, I went for the Kegland, thanks for the tip SE
  3. zoigl

    Kegerator bulk buy

    I am looking to upgrade, I'm fed up with power surges resetting mine to 10 c, Price? Delivery schedule?
  4. zoigl

    Cleaning Mk II Pump?

    I used to just pump star san through my pump, until one day I dismantled my pump and to my horror discovered trub/hops caught up. I now pull my pumps apart after each brew session. I also hook up my pump to my fermenter which has star san/phosphoric acid (K.K) and sanitize the pump and...
  5. zoigl

    F*ck you Woolworths

    Try the local butcher here in Maclean opposite SPAR, straight out of the 1950's with red gum stump and all! Brilliant hung steak and lamb, and real sausages.
  6. zoigl

    Grain in Cairns

    + 1 for Beerco, great people to do business with. Nothing seems too much trouble. Customer comes first!
  7. zoigl

    German made Borosilicate glass bubbles

    Darn, I was staying in Mainz for a couple of days waiting for my flight home, I could have looked into them.
  8. zoigl

    German made Borosilicate glass bubbles

    [ What was the town?
  9. zoigl

    Commercial Fridge: Yes or No?

    I have 2 skol fridges, I love them. One is used for my fermenter, the other as conditioning fridge, they are easily repaired, but be prepared to pay big $$$. I chose the single wider door as my conical slides straight in. I have a temp. control fitted to the fridge and a separate KK temp probe...
  10. zoigl

    Is this dead or alive?

    Hi Bribie Many thanks for your comprehensive reply, I will follow up on these leads. I am looking forward to brewing again, and am starting to become impatient. It would be good to catch up sometime and share recipes etc. Cheers
  11. zoigl

    Is this dead or alive?

    Attn. : Brewmasters Grafton. I have moved to Lawrence and have finally received council approval to build my brew shed. While it's still some time away before it will be completed there is no harm in working out how to access supplies for all grain brewing. My questions are Are there any beer...
  12. zoigl

    Intertap vs perlick taps

    I have been using SS intertaps on my KK kegerator for 3 years, I love them.
  13. SS Fermenter for sale

    SS Fermenter for sale

  14. SS fermenter

    SS fermenter

  15. SS Fermenter

    SS Fermenter

  16. zoigl

    Pauline Hanson to launch craft brew

    Just a thought..... I have been to Turkey a few times and have always found beer readily available, There was an article about a young woman in charge of one of the breweries, maybe in a Zymology magazine a while back. I would not want to cast all...
  17. zoigl

    simple recirculate - crown urn

    The Keg King pump as shown in cataincleanoff's ebay link has not missed a beat in 5-6 years for me. You can upgrade the pump housing to SS, see Keg King web site and utube videos. Priming, make sure that the inlet is vertical so that no air is trapped, and the pump must be below the liquid being...
  18. zoigl

    Cleaning a Mash Master Mini Mill

    Weavils swim, while the dead'uns float to the top, if you don't want the extra flavour, scoop them off the top. Feed them to the chooks.
  19. zoigl

    Grolsch bottle alternative?

    In my opinion grolsch bottles delivered into Australia are very thin when compared to the German counterparts. I can only assume that these bottles are designed for one off filling. In Germany you will notice wear marks on the outside of the flip top bottles indicating multiple refills.
  20. zoigl

    Grolsch bottle alternative?

    It will no doubt piss you off if I told you that a full flip top bottle, 500 ml costs about .80 euros about $1 here in Germany. I considered pouring beer down the sink, to get some m.t. bottles home. Visiting the local breweries here in Köln, (or Cologne) is more satisfying than drinking in...