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  1. zoigl

    How do you rate Crankandstein mills compared to others ?

    I had a 3 roller crankenstein, it served me well for 6 years, but the Millmaster from Beerco stands head and shoulder above it. The millmaster is far easier to adjust the gap, it is stainless steel, and the mills are linked with gears. The millmaster is a beautifully made bit of kit. Local made too.
  2. zoigl

    Help needed - leaky crown seals

    I have noticed that my long neck crown seals have been leaking and the beer quite flat. I have been using both coopers and woolies house brand crown seals. I found that my Italian capper left a dent from the magnet in the caps and the finished seals were a bit lopsided. I have had this capper...
  3. zoigl

    Hefe Weizen flavour

    We rode our bikes through Forcheim ( on our way from Nuremburg to Bamberg along the canal) and had a couple of wonderful days there. I was absolutely amazed at the number of beer gardens on the hill overlooking the town. And yes, the old lagering caves were still being used on a daily basis...
  4. zoigl

    Hefe Weizen flavour

    The zoigl brewing process takes one back a few hundred years. I think that we were privileged to see how it is made and how it brings small communities together. A wonderful experience, far away from any tourists.
  5. zoigl

    Hefe Weizen flavour

    yes. we ride our bikes for 6 weeks every summer along a river somewhere in Germany. Bamberg seems to be a favourite location of ours. We have been lucky enough to see a zoigl being brewed in Windischechenbach?
  6. zoigl

    Hefe Weizen flavour

    I say the same thing for meat pie and sausage, is it so bad that it needs sauce? Real pies and real sausages can stand alone, but alas are difficult to find.;)
  7. zoigl

    Skope Fridge thermocouple

    I have 2 single door skope fridges. I had a fridge mechanic put on a device similar to the STC 1000. There is a setting which prevents rapid recycling. It's difficult to find and best left to an expert, but watch and take notes so that you can do it next time. The trouble is I only made the...
  8. zoigl

    Keg King kegerator series 4

    My KK kegerator (4) is situated inside an insulated shed beside the door, so no restrictions to airflow, and it does not get any direct heat from the sun, but I have noticed that the left side (facing as you pour) gets really hot at times and there appears to be insulation dripping onto the...
  9. zoigl

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    I can not remember exactly, I spoke with G & G by phone and ordered it that way. My visa card suggests that I paid $623-80 but I think that included some yeast as I took advantage of the postage costs. You could contact G & G
  10. zoigl

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    I am still trying to sort out getting my old control box repaired so as to give me an idea what I would need $ to swap with some one here. My new control box does not have the wifi adapter.
  11. zoigl

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    PM me, how old is your control box? I'm looking at possible compatibility issues. The temperature probe has a different plug and needs changing with the new box, so a new silicon seal will be required otherwise, mine just plugged in. My BM 50 dates from March 2010.
  12. zoigl

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    The pumps stopped working, the only reason that I changed.
  13. zoigl

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    Has anyone upgraded their older 50 l control box and still have their old control box in working order? I am interested in replacing my new and upgraded replacement. It has too many bells and whistles for me, and it the face gets fogged up. Otherwise, I will have to get my old box repaired, the...
  14. zoigl

    Help getting that crisp Lager taste

    Mark, I enjoyed reading this, do you have any tips to share for pale ales?
  15. zoigl

    Gout & Filtering Beer

    I take progout to overcome the pain (last resort), and when I get gout my Dr, prescribes lengout daily, I have no problems with beer. My purines come form shell fish, AND PRESERVED meats ham, salami. liverwurst, metwurst. I have been pain free for 3 years.
  16. zoigl

    Kegerator bulk buy

    I bought a kegland 2 tap, fanastic deal with gas cylinder.
  17. zoigl


    I would like to know more about the adapters, I am interested in 4.
  18. zoigl


    +2 price??
  19. zoigl

    Camra British Beer

    My 3rd edition copy is dated 2011, a reprint from the original 2009. I use the recipes as a blank canvass, use what malts and yeasts that are available. I have made some quite acceptable beers using this book.
  20. zoigl

    Kegerator bulk buy
