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  1. D

    First Kit Great 2nd One Not As Good, Why?

    I do mine at about 17 but this possibly isnt realistic for new brewers, just mentioned below 24 as that is top of fermentis temp range for us-05 and s-04 (15 - 24c). I have personally done a number of brews around 24c before I got a fermentation fridge and never had any problems with...
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    Step Mash Vs Single Infusion

    Try a decoction just for the hell of it.
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    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    If I have small hop cones that are turning brown, is it likely the sun is frying them (ie they look too small the be mature and has been pretty hot in perth the last few weeks)? I try to water them every couple of days and add some seasol every couple of weeks. Have noticed a number of leaves...
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    First Kit Great 2nd One Not As Good, Why?

    I think this has already been mentioned, but try using 1kg of light dry malt extract (or 1.5kg of light liquid malt extract) with whatever kit you brew and a better dry yeast like us-05 or nottingham. The malt will give a bit of residual sweetness and a better head on your beer, the yeast will...
  5. D

    Unsure If Keg Setup Is Unbalanced Or Over/under Carbed

    If you are in a hurry you could probably also connect your gas to a beer disconnect and bubble gas out the dip tube at serving pressure to carbonate it a bit quicker.. though you may run the risk of beer shooting up your gas line if pressure drops for some reason.
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    Stc 1000 Questions

    Heating side is handy for preheating strike water in conjunction with an element/electrical timer if you think you might ever use it for that.
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    Keg King Sanitiser Taste?

    I have been using starsan at a ratio of 1.5ml per litre (from memory this is what they recommend?) and havent had an infection or any taste issues. If it is the same acid/ratio etc as starsan maybe try that? (7.5ml for 5L, I use a syringe or pipette if doing only a couple of litres) I use it in...
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    Unsure If Keg Setup Is Unbalanced Or Over/under Carbed

    I would buy at least 3m of beer line then see how it pours, if it is still foamy try warming up and getting more co2 out of solution. Also be aware that if the tap is warm it can cause the first beer to be a bit foamy but the pour after that should be better.
  9. D

    Wort Aeration.. Is It Always Needed?

    They didnt mention it on the packet so I doubt it would entice lazy brewers (In fact they talk about rehydrating on the pack which fermentis don't so if anything their product sounds like more work to a new brewer)
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    Wort Aeration.. Is It Always Needed?

    I don't find it hard to aerate, just found it interesting that they specifically mentioned it wasn't needed.
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    Wort Aeration.. Is It Always Needed?

    Found this on their FAQ (
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    Wort Aeration.. Is It Always Needed?

    Was just having a look through the nottingham dried yeast instructions online and noticed the following: "It is unnecessary to aerate wort." Is this correct? Just about every bit of information I have read on all grain brewing states...
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    Ideas For My Ingredients

    I vote porter
  14. D

    $22 Brewery Washer

    Got off my ass and went to bunnings and ended up with the following: Found some 90 degree elbow that connects to the wall outlet then took me forever to find a fitting to go from that to 20mm for garden hose attachment. Used some pope drinking water hose to hopefully avoid any funny tastes...
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    $22 Brewery Washer

    I have an outdoor shower and want to do the same thing, do you know what fitting you had to use to connect the hose to the shower head outlet?
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    Stick On Thermometer Accuracy

    My stick-on normally matches pretty closely what stc-1000 is reading taped to side of fermenter.
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    Maybe try a stepped mash then he can enjoy a beer bath at the protein rest.
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    No Chill Using Brew Mate

    As I understand even if you remove the hops the bitterness is still being extracted from alpha acids in solution (I believe I read someone say the alpha acids are still being isomerized). Thats why the checkbox is there.
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    Can 10% Crystal Turn An Apa Into An English Real Ale?

    It was no chilled, so slightly higher ibu that the recipe states (also less flavour/aroma from the late hops). I have no chilled all my brews so far and havent had a problem with lack of hop flavour. Not certain but I may have pitched an extra packet of us-05 which may have contributed also...
  20. D

    Can 10% Crystal Turn An Apa Into An English Real Ale?

    Just had a taste of an 'APA' I knocked up quickly to fill some empty kegs and it has a very strong caramel/toffee kind of flavour and almost none of the C type hops are showing through like I would normally expect. (Reminds me of some of the real ales I had when in london, mainly one of the...