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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. D

    Naked Dsl And Voip Phone Anyone?

    Don't know if this is still the case or if it applies to the other states but when I first looked into getting naked dsl it was only a few bucks cheaper than getting the cheapest telstra phone plan. (i think it was $20 pm extra for naked line and the telstra line was $24 or something) I still...
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    Arduino Development Thread

    I read someplace if you request temp readings on the DS18b20 too often it slowly heats up the sensor and it gives higher and higher readings. (Only just got mine so haven't tested this yet)
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    Arduino Development Thread

    Just got 4 of these in the mail from singapore, looks simple as doing what edak suggested. (why do you want to run it on different wires just out of curiosity?) has some sample code to show device ids etc
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    Another Brew Shop Closed

    I think another problem is most AG ingredients probably aren't all that profitable? If I buy a sack of grain for $60 and some bulk hops, a big container of starsan and a few yeast and kettle finings the brew store probably makes a small amount and then they wont see me for months. Though I...
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    Matho's controller

    dont forget the mq-3 alcohol gas sensor that switches the controller to auto mode and doesnt let you push any buttons untill you blow under the required reading...
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    Arduino Development Thread

    Not a big saving (5%) but if anyone wants to order something from littlebird electronics apparently these referrals give us both 5% off?
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    Arduino Development Thread

    Not really needed but you could use some resistors to make the different buttons only use one analog input (like ) Might free some up if people want to add a few other sensors?
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    Brew Videos

    QldKev, what kind of probes are you using on the stc-1000's ?
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    A Guide To All-grain Brewing In A Bag

    Tip: A Ladder leant up against a wall over your bag is a portable skyhook.
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    First Brew And Completely Intrigued!

    If I could go back in time and give myself a few pieces of advice when I was starting out. Use malt extract instead of dextrose/brew blends Use a better yeast (us-05 or nottingham are good for a lot of beers) Get temperature control sorted. Buy a big bottle of starsan. Get a keg system as soon...
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    Matho's controller

    Interested. Does the shield come with the lcd? (Good value if it does as just and lcd with some buttons is $30 here Where would I find info on what other components the shield would require (probes/relays etc?) and what it can do/control...
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    Thinking Of Selling My Gear

    With a baby on the way my brewing time willl surely decrease so, as a community service I will offer myself to drink peoples beer so that they may drink less and lead a healthy happy life but continue to brew. Conditions: Must be decent beer and must be sent to me.
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    Six Hour Cezanne

    Now paint it with colours made from varying grains / hops.
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    Monster Mill Order

    I ended up getting the same drill, it has an adjustable trigger hold thing which with a bit of fiddling can hold it at a decent speed. Am thinking about building a mount to hold the drill steady using the back and maybe one of the side or top hole for the handles. (I currently just sit the mill...
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    Over-carbonation Problem

    If only half of the bottles are bulging and it tastes ok.. did you make sure the priming sugar was properly dissolved/distributed throughout the beer?
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    Using The Hot Tap For Mash Water

    I remember reading up on this a bit trying to find an answer and the general consensus seemed to be if it is a continuous hot water system it should be fine, if it is a tank, maybe not. I used to use my continuous hot water system and didnt notice any detrimental effects, now I just use an...
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    First Ag - Little Creatures Pale Ale

    Was thinking about freezing a few 2L juice containers of water then chucking them in a spare fermenter with some water and trying to use a pump connected to Immersion chiller to cool down the last few degrees. Any idea if the the juice container would cool the water enough? (I spose i could...
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    Sharing Tap With Washing Machine?

    Was looking at all those holes in the washing machine the other day and spin drained BIAB popped into my head for some reason..
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    Biltong Beer

    Cube Tonged BPA ?
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    White Stout

    Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me. Best combination of roastyness in a light coloured beer I have tried was the maltilda bay crema beer that used coffee beans in it a while ago.