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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Pennywise

    No Topic Thread

  2. Pennywise

    Getting 50+ Ibu Into A Batch From A Partial Boil

    Are you using any brewing software like beesmith/promash etc?
  3. Pennywise


    Yeah I get a big mandarin hit and slight pineapple from this one, as a flameout addition anyway. Will give it another go a bit earlier in the boil, maybe a 20 min addition. Jury is still out on this one for me, might be good mixed with a bit of galaxy
  4. Pennywise

    Matilda Bay - Pull Your Finger Out

    This is pretty poor form on their behalf
  5. Pennywise

    Beerdrinkingbob's Just Become A Dad !

    Congrats BDB. The shock of responsibility will soon settle mate, then it becomes the norm :lol:
  6. Pennywise

    Slowbeer Melbourne

    General freight costs are on the website but from memory I think Vic metro is about 10 bucks. Better of getting the dozen and get the 10% discount IMO
  7. Pennywise

    Slowbeer Melbourne

    yeah that's my next step, will do that when I get home. I just really want these beers before the weekend, and before some of them sell out.
  8. Pennywise

    Using Out Of Date Extract

    If you're going to use it, use it in a Stout. Something that will at least try and hide any staleness and the darkening of the wort wont matter. Throw some fresh grain in to the mix and you might get away with it. My 2c
  9. Pennywise

    Slowbeer Melbourne

    Anyone having trouble getting orders through. I'm getting confirmation e-mails but no call, and follow up e-mails seem to be going un answered. I know the shop isn't open yet but is there a number for them? The number on the website is the old one and disconnected
  10. Pennywise

    Beer And Brewer Mag

    A decent news agent will get it in for you. I have mine get one in for me and they give me a bell when it comes in. Subscriptions are cheaper though so I think that's what I'll be doing soon
  11. Pennywise

    Single Extract Can In 11.5 L Fermenter

    As a quick one. If you were to boil 6.5L with both water and the 1.5kg tin of wheat malt, topping up the fermenter after the boil to 11.5L. You'd need to use 12g of tettnang if the AA% rating on them were 4.5%. This will give you an IBU of just under 14, on the high side for style but within...
  12. Pennywise

    Single Extract Can In 11.5 L Fermenter

    As long as the can says un-hopped malt extrcat, then it's plain, no hops or hop oils have been added. Generally, well, all the times I've taken note, if it's a pre-bittered kit it'll have a style attached to it. Like the Coopers kits, Pale Ale, cerveza, Stout and such. These are all pre-bittered...
  13. Pennywise

    Single Extract Can In 11.5 L Fermenter

    Can't comment of the results as I've never done it, I'd suspect it may end up a little more bitter than desired, and quite full body wise. Have you considered doing an extract brew with a can of plain, un-hopped malt? You could quite easily get away with a 6L boil and a wheat extract tin (with...
  14. Pennywise

    500gm Of Saaz Plugs $15.00

    This is my first one, made it for the other half as she's been on my back for ages about it. I just made the one out of BCS as a start, so if that holds up I'll tinkle with it a bit
  15. Pennywise

    500gm Of Saaz Plugs $15.00

    You obviously don't live at my place :rolleyes: :lol:
  16. Pennywise

    Hop Schedule Advice/help

    yeah I'd up the bitterness to maybe 35 IBU, looks good otherwise
  17. Pennywise

    500gm Of Saaz Plugs $15.00

    Damn, thats is good. I may just have to brew a few more Bo Pils at that price. Assuming swmbo likes the results from the current one brewing
  18. Pennywise


    Looks like an infection to me. Agree with above
  19. Pennywise

    Does It Get Any Better!

    So that's where all those full kegs came from?
  20. Pennywise

    Does It Get Any Better!

    I get thirsty thinking about a recipe