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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Screwtop

    On brew day, what do you do during the wait times?

    Grain milled and water prepared the night before (filter and PH adjust). Power on the Brew Controller, set start time. In the morning at the set start time the Brew Controller heats water in the HLT and strike water in the MLT in readiness for mash in. Wake and mash in around 7am and check...
  2. Screwtop

    Ongoing off flavours - advice needed!

    Hmmm............ read what Prof Charlie Bamforth has to say re VDK's here Screwy
  3. Screwtop

    Ongoing off flavours - advice needed!

    Would you say kind of "honey like" sweet aroma???? Screwy
  4. Screwtop

    Sunshine Coast - local tips

    Sunshine Coast Brewery Beer Education, Wed May 21st 6pm - 8pm bar open from 5pm. New brewer Matt is great value! and so is the pricetag of $30 Cheers, Screwy
  5. Screwtop

    Whats In The Glass

    Ohhhhhhhh! That looks and sounds soooooooooooooo good!!!!!!! Screwy
  6. Screwtop

    All-Grain Mash Confusion/Help!

    Hmmm............. Ready.............. Fire.................Aim :unsure: If you buy a 19L stockpot and can get a hold of an Esky of 30L volume and a grainbag, you could mash in the esky in a grainbag with 20L of water at 66C (add water at around 74C and wait for the temp to equalise and drop to...
  7. Screwtop

    How long would you give a lager yeast to kick off?

    You would need 2 packs of yeast for even a smallish lager and should be aiming for a starter volume of 4L. Yeast cells do not like cold temps, lager yeast strains have been selected due to them being able to work at low temps without dropping off to sleep like other strains. Low temps using...
  8. Screwtop

    Mangrove Jack Craft Series Yeasts

    A test I did many years ago using O2 and a Dissolved Oxygen Meter showed that dried yeast took longer to get going in oxygenated wort. Do a search if you like for the full results. Also on Utube here Screwy
  9. Screwtop

    Stainless Fermenters

    FFS! Who cares about this really. SS fermenters are "SS Fermenters" I use the harness. Two harness handles lifting 27odd Kg same as lifting 27odd Kg using SS handles.......................So?? Replace the farking taps with whatever you would if you where setting up a micro brewery and could...
  10. Screwtop

    mash temp too high?

    Bingo! Screwy
  11. Screwtop

    Whats In The Glass

    If the beer is half as good as the Pic it would be great!!!!! Screwy
  12. Screwtop

    Can you mix different yeasts? Do I need to?

    Weeeeelllll kinda. I remember listening to a Chris White podcast regarding this many years ago. Depends upon the yeast strain, some are referred to as killer strains and will overpower others. So.............. Can you mix different yeasts? ............. like most things
  13. Screwtop

    Beer brewed with ephedra herb?

    Another suggestion for a name for the beer Sudsafed :D :D Screwy
  14. Screwtop

    Stainless Fermenters

    I concur, ringhole :D Screwy
  15. Screwtop

    Fat Bastard's Rig.

    Sweet Rig Mate!!!!! Screwy
  16. Screwtop

    Birthday Drinks

    Happy birthday Paul, bloody hell 51.............. :) Cheers, Screwy
  17. Screwtop

    Some tips from the experienced

    Here is what Beersmith provides using your batch volume and grainbill. BeerSmith 2 Recipe Specifications -------------------------- Batch Size (fermenter): 24.00 l Boil Size: 30.31 l Estimated pre-boil gravity is 1.030 SG Post Boil Volume: 24.96 l Est Mash Efficiency: 70.0 % Estimated...
  18. Screwtop

    Some tips from the experienced

    Persist and learn. Going BIAB using a bad crush won't change the result. Change malt supplier/HBS! Sounds like the crush wasn't real good. You were over on pre boil but to boil off 4 litres and end up with 1.030 your pre boil gravity would have had to be around 1.025 which would have rung...