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  1. Steve@PMF82

    Old (food Grade) Olive Drum

    Ive got a few of them. Takes a long time for smell to go, to help it along a pot of boiling water and some napisan/sod perc does the trick, put the lid on and shake the **** out of it, watch out for any spurting. They are HDPE so you could use them for anything really. Personally i would never...
  2. Steve@PMF82

    Mclaren Vale Ipa - Wow

    Topic is not seeming to matter here anyway - was not that impressed by their PA here - IPA review is a few posts after that - Ive had it once more since and its not a bad beer at all.
  3. Steve@PMF82

    Whats In The Glass

    One of the few remaining of my ESB from Xmas swap 2011. Ive had these tucked away in the back of the fridge. 6 months on since bottling and i am really happy with how this has aged, i think the 3.6% Aromatic malt plus styrians late, coupled with some 1469 esters gave it a slight belgiany...
  4. Steve@PMF82

    Abc Tv Now

    Todays episode not up there yet. Not sure when they how long they wait to put it up. Landline repeats tomorrow at 11am
  5. Steve@PMF82

    Hot Water Brownie Points

    mmm acid rest...200L would be the go then
  6. Steve@PMF82

    Bar Swap: '1st Time For Everything'

    Just taking my name off the list. Need to direct my energies to the home front and my beer really needs more conditioning than time will allow. Was keen to sample some interesting sounding beers about. Have a good weekend ! 1 Wakkatoo: English something or another. Might play around with some...
  7. Steve@PMF82

    1/4 Smack Pack Starter Step Advice

    When i step up to a big starter i do not refrigerate to drop the yeast out either. When i get to my starter vessel capacity i will just let the yeast drop out naturally at ferment temps, can take a day or 2 depending on the strain. I have not used any really low flocculation strains so cant...
  8. Steve@PMF82

    1/4 Smack Pack Starter Step Advice

    If the yeast sample is 6months old and an estimated 10% viability as iralosavic says, then pitching that into a smaller amount of wort will result in healthier yeast. Pitching a few old cells straight into a 1L starter you will most likely be breading stressed yeast. iralosavic the procedure...
  9. Steve@PMF82

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    I dont know about being a cool kid... B) But if you want just the lupulin from your hops or instead of chucking hops that dont seem to have much lupulin, you could try doing an ice water extraction. You only have to google ice water extraction. I dont give a **** what people reference it to, i...
  10. Steve@PMF82

    Using A Coffee Dripolator For Hops

    Coffee filter paper traps aromatic and volatile oils in coffee, so i would assume it may have some kind of the same effect on hop oils as well. So you may not be getting the best out of your hops either. I could be wrong though.
  11. Steve@PMF82

    Rinsing Yeast (in Pictures)

    Yes - i mean that you dont want to go filling them with boiling water or wort when they are at a low ambient temp. For example after cleaning with hot tap water (comes out around 55degress) and napisan then i rinse with a small amount of my boiling water they are good to go. I tip wort straight...
  12. Steve@PMF82

    Rinsing Yeast (in Pictures)

    As yob said, V8 Juice bottles are good. I bought 2 X 1.5L forced myself to drink the crap and been using the same ones for almost a year. I put boiling hot water and wort in them, then no chill them. Always slowly bring them up to hot temps and down to cold as they would be very susceptible to...
  13. Steve@PMF82

    Gryphon Grain Bag? Cant Find Them....

    this is what i did initially, neater than a flame which i have used when making smaller hop bags and the like, but yeah both will do the job to keep you out of the fray.
  14. Steve@PMF82

    Mclaren Vale Ipa - Wow

    interesting comparison and i agree.
  15. Steve@PMF82

    Mg Steam And Hightail On Special At Woolies

    Check the best before date! Near the base of the bottle Edit: for a very technical correction :rolleyes:
  16. Steve@PMF82

    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    This from FB looks nice too
  17. Steve@PMF82

    Little Creatures Next Single Batch

    They announced some stage after that they had got a bit ahead of themselves and there would be a delay of a couple of weeks before it hits stores.
  18. Steve@PMF82

    Mclaren Vale Ipa - Wow

    My 0.002 cents. All names aside it has a real nice fruity aroma, otherwise i found it over carbonated thin and very bland in the malt department. If i have to buy beer i will continue to buy LCPA over this beer every time or when i can find it Bullant brewery IPA ***** all over both of them.
  19. Steve@PMF82

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    I did a few test boils of 1L bittered to the end i think i got closest to what i perceived to be around 20 at the most and that was at 5%. Interesting funky kind of flavour, very different to commercial POR and not really my cup of tea so i turfed them. In hindsight i prob could...
  20. Steve@PMF82

    Anyone Know What Starsan Tastes Like

    Interesting. Nothing i can find on google about it growing in boiled water sealed in a bottle? Only other thing relating to ropey bacteria google found was while making sun tea, because its not boiled. This comes up on BYO relating to beer. Ropey beer is caused by two different kinds of...