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  1. Steve@PMF82

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Hah yes indeed! Prob take me 2 weeks to get through them having a low tolerance for alc, one and i am good for a couple of days :lol: Really enjoying bigger beers now though, brewing and drinking them, albeit very slowly.
  2. Steve@PMF82

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    A rare little treat for me. Just had the Hop Hog, never been able to get hold of it before. Very nice IPA, loads of aroma and flavour that lasts and lasts! Would not mind being able to replicate hop profile, but for my taste i would have a bit more malt depth and a touch more bitterness.
  3. Steve@PMF82

    The Perfect Beer - On Tv Today At 2:30pm Aest

    On again tomorrow. Times vary depending on location 2.30pm, 3.30pm. {Big sweet smelling sticky poo} i am bored today. EDIT: 7 Maaaatte
  4. Steve@PMF82

    Brew By U - Nfi?

    I had the displeasure of trying some beer brewed by this mob a couple of weeks ago. They definitely like to push the line they are a " Real Micro Brewery" so much so that i could not convince others any different and what i do is just "home-brew" Having only tried beer from a BOP place once...
  5. Steve@PMF82

    Best Size Pot For All Grain Biab

    Are you going to no chill into cube? If so grab yourself a SS jiggle siphon tip and 2m of silicone hose, have a look at gryphon brewing i am pretty sure they have both.
  6. Steve@PMF82


    Nope :o
  7. Steve@PMF82

    Secondry Fermentation

    TRUE good point. Make sure the blanket is in good condition, as mentioned never fold them, even for storage when not in use. On the rare occasion i have done what i said, i moved the box around daily to avoid damaging with the weight of it and never left it on if i am not around.
  8. Steve@PMF82

    Secondry Fermentation

    Sort of the same as me, although my ambient drops to 8 - 12 if I don't keep the fire going. But generally its around 18 - 22 with the heating on, so i just keep my box or boxes of bottles around that area for 5 to 7 days and they carb up in no time at all. And my paler beers are generally good...
  9. Steve@PMF82

    Show Us Your Krausen

    From what exactly? I always pitch plenty of fresh healthy yeast, i would hazard a guess more than most people do for a 23L batch and i usually do 12L. There is little or no pressure build up in my fermenter, if there was there would be a definite hiss when opening the lid. Also i recall a recent...
  10. Steve@PMF82

    Show Us Your Krausen

    Just use a fermenter with an actual lid with seal and it cant escape... I have a massive 1272 krausen pushing up against my fermenter with lid after 24hrs..i am not worried in the slightest :P
  11. Steve@PMF82

    Mildura Brewery Choc Hops Stout

    I bought a 4 pack a couple months ago when they first started popping up. I guess i might call it quite " sessionable" for a stout. I found it was better at slightly lower temps than what i am used to drinking other stouts and darker beers. As it warmed the choc/vanilla thing became artificial...
  12. Steve@PMF82

    No Chill Hop Additions

    Sort of relevant i guess...but i have become a fan of chilling in the cube or slow chill what ever you want to call it for beers with late hops. A few minutes after FO add hops, stir for 5 mins, let sit for 10min, drain to jerry, squeeze all air out and seal, let sit for 5min on each side...
  13. Steve@PMF82

    Liquid Yeast Starter Lag Time

    If its already bubbling away nicely after that amount of time, chances are it has started fermenting, in which case your yeast growth phase has finished. You can let it ferment out and wait for the yeast to drop in their own time (my preferred method - less stress on the yeast) then just pitch...
  14. Steve@PMF82

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    stopped at potters on sat morning, it was close enough to midday....i think cranky pants is a delicious beer! great place in general, got some bottles to take away. 2IC brewer was good for a chat about beers, it was great to meet a female passionate about brewing. highly recommend visiting.
  15. Steve@PMF82

    Fat Yak - New Flavour?

    Had one today on tap with lunch. Pleasantly surprised, creamy white head that persisted the entire glass, nice aroma, lots of hop flavour, bit of sweet malt and a crisp clean finish. I was burping hops for a good hour after. DY hotel
  16. Steve@PMF82

    What Happens If You Drink Infected Beer!?

    oooh pick me pick me