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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Steve@PMF82

    Pin Holes In Corny Keg

    So did you end up doing the experiment?
  2. Steve@PMF82

    "brewbuilder" Discussion Thread

    I went through this 2 weeks ago, you have to wait until your granted access " approved" to actually use the Brewbuilder software and make an order. I tried making an order (my first) without using the brewbuilder and was shunned somewhat. Never ended being processed, not much communications so...
  3. Steve@PMF82

    Light Dried Malt In Cider

    I have done 5 ciders, 2 of which i included a small amount of LDME (100g/10L) along with a tin of pear juice and i prefer the end result over straight apples juice. A bit more mouthfeel and not so bone dry. I have only ever used Wyeast Cider and once the craftbrewer dry cider yeast. The...
  4. Steve@PMF82

    Stepped Mash Infusion

    Interesting thread none the less BUT i vote for a name change! Tickleman for the win :lol:
  5. Steve@PMF82

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Heart of Darkness is the Belgian. I really really rate the oak aged HOD :icon_drool2: I like wild thing better than the ordinary HOD though...first world problems Also there is Season of the Abyss which i did not get around to trying this year. Apparently fermented with 3711? Very high...
  6. Steve@PMF82

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Murrays Wild Thing - 330ml bottle. Perfect day for it, a bit of a cold snap after some warmer weather! I am pretty happy with my own RIS, but when ever i drink one of these it inspires me to do a better job next time.... :beerbang:
  7. Steve@PMF82

    Crown Reserve - Herald Sun Article

    Does not work for me....
  8. Steve@PMF82

    Stone N Wood Share Buy Back

    Frigging awesome! Good on them :super:
  9. Steve@PMF82

    3068, Blow Off Tube Or Double Glad Wrap?

    Just use a lid, if it has a hole for airlock seal it up. Tighten lid till it seals then back it off a notch for CO2 escape, easy... B)
  10. Steve@PMF82

    No Chill Divide And Conquer

    I only use the 10L willows, they hold around 12L of hot wort, around my usual batch size. I add 10min for hops and it seems to work out pretty good. Also have experimented twice with siphoning off the soon after the boil for hoppy beers. Usual no chill process, eliminate air, seal. Then there...
  11. Steve@PMF82

    3711 French Saison Yeast

    I quite enjoy 3711, interesting comment from fents about it tasting like a wheat beer. I got comments in vicbrew from 1 judge that it was not like a saison, more of a Belgian wit. I have 3724 on hand as well and i was thinking for the next brew i might pitch 3724 let it go for a couple of days...
  12. Steve@PMF82

    Holy Smokes - Lager Fermented In 5 Days!

    Sounds good to me mate. You should have yourself a nice crisp clean beer. All the BS about lagers taking 2 weeks to hit FG are just from people who cant bothered pitching enough yeast. Relax and concentrate on your packaging now.
  13. Steve@PMF82

    Supporting Independent Breweries

    THIS. Probably one of the biggest pitfalls, bad batch, bad handling yada yada, i have heard it from the mouths of babes, i bet many here have as well. "SAVY" consumers have one bad experience and judge the whole lot.
  14. Steve@PMF82

    Wyeast 2112 California Lager

    Ive done 75% Pils with remaining 25% split Munich and Vienna. Quite nice with a bit of late noble hops. I think 16C is the best temp for this yeast.
  15. Steve@PMF82

    Supporting Independent Breweries

    Yes more :icon_offtopic: BUT FFS Give me a FRESH, well brewed and handled local beer that may or may not be the worlds greatest example of a " style" (which comes down to individual interpretation of style GUIDELINES) any day of the week over stale imports. If you have tasted fresh examples...
  16. Steve@PMF82

    Supporting Independent Breweries

    They are where they are. Australia's leading independent brewery, the buck stops here. I will always try the Pale on tap, but bugger me i have had some stale or poorly handles ****, or dirty lines ect and get a fecking great hangover. Can usually find a bottle of sparkling which i enjoy poured...
  17. Steve@PMF82

    Supporting Independent Breweries

    Home brewing has taught my taste a lot about freshness when it comes to beer. So much so that i am finding it increasingly hard to consume stale or poorly handled beer and even worse stale mass produced beer. Eg: Coopers on tap can be quite nice when it is fresh. I try to encourage others to...
  18. Steve@PMF82

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    LC quiet american that i had stashed away. Hops have faded significantly while the Belgian yeast character has mellowed, the two seem to have come together well on the nose and the palate. For me a bit of well handled age has been good for this beer, of course going by memory here..... Going...
  19. Steve@PMF82

    Kit Yeasts Revisited

    According to this you do.