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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Steve@PMF82

    Show Us Your Manifold!

    Very happy with my new manifold, drains beautifully, nice clear wort into my pot!
  2. Steve@PMF82

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    Cool , well no one has got mine yet! :P My picture may be slightly misleading? its not as light as it looks in the highlights just the afternoon sun coming through the window.
  3. Steve@PMF82

    Lagering - What Do You Use?

    All lagering is , storing beer for a long time at cold temps. IMO there are benefits doing this in bulk, but eventually the same things will happen if you bottle first. Its just gravity, cold and time. Ive only done a few lagers, but yeah you can achieve all of the same things that happen over...
  4. Steve@PMF82

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    The top of it looks to be dark enough? 14 - 23 SRM Anyway is just a plain old German Weiss?
  5. Steve@PMF82

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

  6. Steve@PMF82

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    no good PF - wheat of some kind?
  7. Steve@PMF82

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    will have to pour one then... :rolleyes:
  8. Steve@PMF82

    Guess The Style By The Pictures?

    Vienna Lager
  9. Steve@PMF82

    Mash Temp

    Bumpy bump - i would be interested to hear a more educated opinion on this as well. When i was using Biab this was always my thinking with the turbidity of the wort pre boil giving a higher gravity reading. This would later translate into more trub at the end of the boil, which would translate...
  10. Steve@PMF82

    Mash Temp

    Yeah pretty sure drying of Pale malts is around 45 - 50 degrees Celsius Just went and checked its 40 to 45, but they are cured after around 80 degrees for a few hours. I am only guessing without getting out the brewing science pdf that the husk would protect the enzymes inside being denatured?
  11. Steve@PMF82

    Rinsing Yeast (in Pictures)

    What temperature is it at? You have condensation on the glassware which leads me to believe its cold? Should be rinsed at ferment temps and 3787 loves to be warm. EDIT: If i am wrong i am sorry i dont know why. If its cold, i would let it sit at 20 degrees overnight then pour off all that...
  12. Steve@PMF82

    Show Us Your Manifold!

    Well i did it, i am finally a REAL brewer! :P :D I am a little excited so there may be someone out there in interent land that might care :rolleyes: Have been stuffing around with ss braid since the start of the year, then getting the ***** with it and doing a biab here and there, then...
  13. Steve@PMF82

    Best Use Of My Time

    If you can i would recommend giving a beer you a familiar with 5 days at -1 to zero degrees after your primary then bottling and see if you can pick any difference? I know for me my bottled and kegged beers are drinking better much quicker after dropping to this temp, where as i used to only...
  14. Steve@PMF82

    Wyeast 3787 (trappist High Gravity) In A Low Grav Beer?

    Thanks champ i think i will give your recipe a go! Then dump a Dark strong on some of the cake! :D I hate growing all that yeast for no beer!
  15. Steve@PMF82

    No Chill Hop Dilema

    Both these methods give excellent aroma in my experience. The few times i have tried Whirlpool and cube hops no chilling i have not been impressed. I add my late hops day 4 or 5 of ferment, using the late boil method and for me it gives the aroma i want and more. More stuffing around yes, but...
  16. Steve@PMF82

    Wyeast 3787 (trappist High Gravity) In A Low Grav Beer?

    Been following this thread as i like 3787, recipe looks good, whats your OG?
  17. Steve@PMF82

    Kumiss - Would Appreciate Feedback

    Its not that hard at all really, as long as the horse has had decent handling/training and is not afraid of the person doing it. I have cubes of colostrum milked from expecting mares vac packed in the freezer. fermenting their milk sounds interesting....and i have had people gag at me when i...
  18. Steve@PMF82

    Polyclar & Bottling

    I used to use Polyclar VT in primary fermenter during cold conditioning, always left it for 5 - 7 days then bottled straight out of primary, never had any bits in the finished beer. It does work better with filtering i have found, but for me there is a flavour sacrifice, so i only do that for...
  19. Steve@PMF82

    Pilsner Urquell Brewing Method

    Not that i am a style nazi, but this is straight from style guidelines for Bo Pils Appearance: Very pale gold to deep burnished gold, brilliant to very clear, with a dense, long-lasting, creamy white head.