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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. choppadoo

    Kevin Rudds Home Brewing Bonus

    Better keep your kids out of my schools and hospitals, cos thats my bloody money. Piss off to Dubai, you can keep all your bloody money there. Thats one more figure than most. Did someone force your hand at the auction, or in the bedroom? So many people are quick to be critical of people on...
  2. choppadoo

    2008 Sa Xmas Case Swap

    nice one gents. the question now is what to brew... just put down an ipa with target/n.brewer to bitter and nelson sauvin aroma hopping. not sure if it fits the sessionability theme (personally i dont mind smashing down ipa's in summer). next brew is probably a blonde ale, will see what comes up...
  3. choppadoo

    2008 Sa Xmas Case Swap

    so dr s, is there room for one more?
  4. choppadoo

    2008 Sa Xmas Case Swap

    just read this thread, as up until today i thought i would be shoving off to vic before december. however, looks like i will still be around. so i'd like to volunteer myself as the 1st emergency if anyone drops out. or if there is no objections (dr.smurto?) tack myself on the end of the list...
  5. choppadoo


    I brewed something similar to Tonys "Knight Rye-der" on the weekend, bit more of a belgian pale though i guess. Just wanted to see what using a variety of different grains without specialty or crystal malts would produce. 20% Rye Malt 30% Wheat malt 5% Oats 45% Pilsner Malt. 25IBUs with...
  6. choppadoo

    Barossa Valley Brewing Company

    Tried it off tap at the launch. Spoke to the marketing guy, who told me it was a mix of hops- simcoe and something else (i cant remember what), with the simcoe being used late (in a hopback perhaps?). Very nicely balanced, some sweet caramel and malt characters, floral citrussy hop aroma and...
  7. choppadoo

    Anawbs Heads Up

    Yes that is correct. Interstate brewers can still get them in by courier or post until the 26th September, today is the last day for drop-off at interstate depots; Cheers, Brad
  8. choppadoo

    Anawbs Heads Up

    Last day for interstate brewers to get their beers in for ANAWBS is TODAY. Better get cracking, take the rest of the day off work, there is important beer-related business to attend to. ;) Cheers, Brad
  9. choppadoo

    2008 Sa Xmas In July Case Swap - Tastings/recipes

    heres my tasting notes so far, some really good beers in there: benh alt - rich malt flavour, solid bittering yet balanced finish. top drop. GMK- trois pistoles- big belgian nose, head dissipates quickly. strong from the get go, but finishes quite smoothly with a balance of malt, spice and...
  10. choppadoo

    2008 Sa Christmas In July Case Swap

    **** yeah, its cold enough to drink straight from the fermenter. But then again, that habits not really temperature dependent is it...
  11. choppadoo

    2008 Sa Christmas In July Case Swap

    Hi all, *WARNING* - 10. choppadoo - Foreign Extra Stout - AG - Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale is a gusher! cracked one of my caseswap stouts tonight and it was a gusher. not infected, just very keen to get out of the bottle. just thought i'd warn you before you go out and ruin your finest persian...
  12. choppadoo

    How Old And How Long Are We All?

    Alright I guess I better spill the beans/throw down the gauntlet. I (along with above quoted influence) began distilling at a very tender young age. Using "cider" fermented with bakers yeast in four litre milk bottles in the roofspace of our shed (grew up on a fruit orchard- not much to do in...
  13. choppadoo

    Cooper's Vintage Ale Clone

    Brewed this yesterday, pretty similar to braufraus recipe i guess; 84.5 % Ale Malt, Barrett Burston 7.7 % Dextrose 3.8 % Wheat Malt 3.2 % Crystal (Joe White) 0.8 % Chocolate Malt (Joe White) 40.00 gm Northern Brewer [6.70%] (90 min) Hops 29.0 IBU 50.00 gm Brewer's Gold [5.00%] (90 min) Hops...
  14. choppadoo

    Best Yeast For A Dry Stout?

    Thanks Warren, I figured it should be a goer, might even get a bit of this mythical 'smokey' character that the 1728 is supposed to impart, which would be more than welcome :) . Cheers, Chops
  15. choppadoo

    Best Yeast For A Dry Stout?

    Anyone used the Wyeast 1728 scottish ale in a stout before? I am planning a dry stout and was thinking of pitching onto a cake of the 1728 which is munching on an 80/ now. Also, what sort of mash temps do people aim for? Do you get your dryness primarily from high attenuation or dark grain...
  16. choppadoo

    Style Of The Week 11/10/06 - Saison

    haven't tried the temple saison, but late last year i cultured yeast out of a bottle of saison dupont. after a dubious starter i pitched anyway, and it turned out beautifully.
  17. choppadoo

    2008 Sa Christmas In July Case Swap

    Personally, I'd be keen for AG only in the case swap. Might be the fulcrum to move a few K&Kers over to the dark side... A case swap is a good forum for getting some feedback on your beers for newcomers to AG. ;) Cheers
  18. choppadoo

    New Zealand Hops

    Bugger, got inspired halfway through reading this thread and ordered some NS from older harvests, only to find this tidbit on the next page! Haha, too bad
  19. choppadoo

    2008 Sa Christmas In July Case Swap

    yeah for sure, im in. 1. KHB 2. Domonsura 3. Adam 4. wee stu 5. peas_and_corn 6.Backyard Brewer 7.GMK 8.Homekegger1 9.Jazman(maybee)???????? 10. choppadoo cheers fellas see you and your beers there. chops
  20. choppadoo

    Plambic, Wild Yeast, Spontaneous Fermentation!

    just to clarify, the main preservative effect of hops is derived from alpha-acid derivatives produced during the boil; iso-alpha-acids or isohumulones. aged hops lack these, but retain beta acids (or lupulones) which are less soluble in wort and beer, usually contributing less to the...